Billy thinks the US should give up on soccer because it doesn’t have elite leagues like Europe
Billy thinks the US should give up on soccer because it doesn’t have elite leagues like Europe
And aren’t we supposed to be happy that 3rd tier soccer in the US is actually thriving?
There’s no snobbery like eurosnobbery, as Billy shows time and again.
The lake really is very salty, I don’t understand the confusion here.
Watching at work so I can’t turn the volume up but I assume the soundtrack us Yakkety Sax on full blast
A big difference is that a defensive, poorly played, shit game of soccer is over in two hours, with (mostly) continuous action, no commercial interruptions, and obsessive forensic analysis after every other play.
That nobody won doesn’t matter.
I’m so shocked that the NFL ratings are down...
Counterpoint, the ending of the game was the most entertaining thing in the NFL this season. Watching the last two missed field goals was the funniest thing I’ve seen in years. I laughed so hard, the whole world seems like a better place now.
Shouldn’t this be on Screamer?
That somehow turned into both an incredible game and even more incredible waste of time.
That was spectacularly awful football.
This was, without hyperbole, the dumbest game I have ever seen. I feel lessened for having witnessed any part of it. This has brought shame upon their families. I hope no one is killed in the flash floods of vomit that do doubt are sweeping major cities nationwide.
Wrong Cardinals, so just one more missed attempt for tonight.
Roberto Aguayo will be sleeping with the nightlight on after watching this game.
Which deity does Russel Wilson & Larry Fitzgerald blame/praise for a tie?
Wonder if jet fuel can melt uprights.
one of the worst/greatest games ever.