Butts Carlton

No Young Pope or Mr. Robot?

Meth. Not even once.

No love for that fire Ziggler/Nakamura match?

If people thought Huge Jacked Man was too tall to play ole Wolvey, wait till they get a load of this behemoth!

No The Last Night? Controversy aside that might've been the most innovative and eye catching indie game trailer that I've seen in a WHILE.

After that stunt with poor poor Irene, for the first time since the show began I can truly say with all certainty "Jimmy you ain't shit".

Kevin always comes home and Nora's always there waiting. Every goddamn time. *thug tears*

What I loved the most about this episode is how it aptly pulls into focus who Kevin Garvey truly is at his core. He's a true martyr in both the positive and negative sense; "a coward dressed in the outfit of a brave man". I love how the two tried and true things with Kevin is that he'll always come back and then he'll

I can just see the Star City Mayor's office scrambling while they try and figure out where in the hell their mayor, deputy mayor, several of their security task force and Adrian Chase are.

It wasn't mentioned in the write-up but round of a-fuckin-pplause for both Josh Segarra and Stephen Amell tonight. Segarra once again knocked it out of the park dealing out his special brand of smug manic swagger while Amell delivered a series best performance tonight (especially in the last 15 or so minutes).

I wouldn't go as far to call it THE best but it definitely ranks high for sure

I'd take those over more filler and less narrative cohesion tbh. If not less episodes then they more superhero shows should follow Agents of Shield's example and have their seasons be divided into 2-3 mini arcs.

I'd imagine that it would've worn off once H.R. died but I'm honestly not sure

"Hmmmm…Brown Canary…"

Which is why he's relentlessly punished

The moment where Barry phased into the Savitar suit was pretty awesome I'll give it that.

Joe caping so hard for their relationship didn't help matters lol


Episode was fine overall and it had a welcome more hopeful vibe but good lord was this a rough ass season. This seasons like this really make me wish that the CW superhero shows had 13-16 episode seasons so they could trim the fat. This season was so slow paced (ironically) and the dour nature of it all made feel that

That's because Arrow has largely been written better and they don't have world bending superpowers lean on to get them out of actual consequence