Butts Carlton


I guess that's the best we can hope for at this point

This week on GoT:

"What are we? Some sort of Suicide Squad?"

Vince is easily one of my favorite people in the industry

Depends on the ghetto

Admittedly, Jon usually looks butthurt. Growing up a bastard and generally getting shit on for trying to do the right thing'll do that lol.

It's a dig at his facial hair

This week on GoT:

This week on GoT:

Yup, Graves is golden; especially in his NXT days where he had a better dancing partner. I also found it hilarious how much he loved No Way Jose despite everything about his persona making you assume otherwise.

Hmmm, I'll take your word for it. I don't ever remember it explicitly being confirmed in the way that it was for Varys but I'm probably wrong lol

Yeah, Nakamura's cardinal sin and what keeps me from truly being a favorite of mine is his tendency to be on "house show mode" 90% of the time and coasts on his personality. Which would be fine if he didn't make it so obvious. The Rock largely relied on his personality and charisma as well but he also went out there

Those for big, deceptively agile motherfuckers are gonna kill each other and I can't wait

Roman killed on the mic tonight. Honestly, at this point I think it's getting harder and harder to justify the overt hatred for the guy outside of his seemingly permanent placement on the totem pole. Even his booking as of late has been pretty damn good.

Lmao I know that he's a eunuch in the books but we never really got confirmation on the show. I was lowkey hoping for some full frontal so we could all put the speculation to bed.

It's just slang lol, it's not that deep.

Basically made him look like a lil bitch

This week on GoT

No The Leftovers for anything?
No Rami Malek?