Butts Carlton

No way he "destroyed" his heart because H.R. was alive for a good 5 or so minutes after he got stabbed

I admittedly just started watching the episode but…why didn't Barry just run H.R. to a hospital?

One can only hope

LMFAO have an upvote you bastard

GOT is short for GOT YO ASS this season

I sure hope so because there's no need to co-opt the Death of Superman for Supergirl

I still think that's a flimsy excuse. It's not like he was seeing multiple hallucinations, he was seeing Kara as Zod. It's a fixed point of attack.

Oh I know, I'm just saying that superhero shows (even at their best) operate on a heightened plane of reality so things tend to be more bombastic and more times than not subtext is made into text; to varying degrees of success. I don't think that Supergirl is straight up BAD but it's too damn earnest for it's own good

Yeah, I know that this is a superhero show and all but good lord to these writers not understand subtlety

I don't think either one of them should've lost tbh. While yes, ain't no way in hell Kara would actually beat Clark; I understand that this is her show thus she's meant to be spotlighted. The problem is that the scenario was so stacked against Kara that I just couldn't see how Clark would lose in a straight up scrap.

In a weird way this felt like a series finale (up until the stinger of course) and it managed to encapsulate all of Supergirl’s strengths and weaknesses in one hour.

I sure hope she ends up with that rough and tumble Chi-Town Pope Nicholas Miller

I love you

No Country for Old Pope

My slight disappointment at this news is far outweighed by the relief I feel that they were able to stick the landing. While I'll miss Lenny, his story was told wonderfully and given closed in a suitably grandiose and poetic way. Here's hoping that "The New Pope" is able to fill the big shoes left behind by it's

Just because of the Molly Ringwald of it all, I highkey hope that Hiram is played by Judd Nelson



If Riverdale is any indication I feel like The CW is gonna have another hit on their hands with Dynasty

I take slight offense to that but I'll stay in my lane