Butts Carlton

The mass pillage of Smackdown leads me to believe that we're gonna a combo of key RAW acquisitions and NXT call ups tomorrow. If SDL wants to continue to be the "land of opportunity" then I feel like they need to mainline some worth NXT men & women to their show to keep things fresh and clear up the stacked playing

Silver Lining: Graves and Elias Samson are on the same show which means we get to hear Graves lambast him on a daily basis again


Seth's knee told him that he don't want no problems

*Dean was too busy doing nothing with the IC title somewhere

I'm more upset about Bray leaving than Dean but yeah it's a tough blow. I wish that Dean would've at least dropped the IC Title to Baron before jumping ship because Dean hasn't done a damn thing with that title since he's won it.

Here here. I was SURE that Miz would be WWE Champ by the end of the year but now that's not gonna happen and we'll have to watch him be the best part of the upper midcard forever on the "A" show.

Yeah you can see Roman's shadow as he exited the ambulance just before it tipped over

I sure hope not because when allowed, Roman's actually one of the best sellers in the company.

Dean's a fairweather friend at best. He's a lunatic ya see.

Oh god now I'm gonna hear "OH IT'S THE JUGGERNAUT BITCH!" whenever Braun runs onto the screen to hurt something

Indubitably good sir. It gave me quite the hearty chuckle as well.

I'm really upset that The Miz got moved from Smackdown and then proceeded to lose his first match on RAW.

Sanity's a lock for midcard dominance in NXT for a while so I wouldn't bank on them getting called up any time soon. Almas' is a pretty safe bet though.

Gotcha. Still shocked me though. I don't remember the last time I actually saw somebody get hit with it, they usually move.

I hope next week they recreate the Vince/Mankind/Stone Cold hospital segment with Roman, Dean and BRAUN! except instead of a bedpan, I want Braun to chuck the doctor at poor Roman lmao

I actually got shook when he actually hit Roman with that blue audio box (or at least that's what I think that is lol)

I legit cackled when Braun ran back on the screen yelling "I'M NOT FINISHED WITH YOU YET!"

Roman: *breathes*
Braun: Who the fuck do you think you are

The show's nothing without him