Butts Carlton

Spike Spiegel - Cowboy Bebop
Dandy - Space Dandy
Elliot - Mr. Robot
Jimmy - Better Call Saul
Lenny - The Young Pope

That was ONE thing they chanted at him and it still translates more to hatred than apathy. If they were truly apathetic and wanted him gone Roman then they would've been quiet or they would've started chanting about a stupid ass beach ball.

1. I had no idea that you spoke for the entire Smark side of the WWE universe
2. It's hilarious that you don't realize how badly you and those like you got worked by Roman
3. That last statement is both wrong and a disgusting usage of hyperbole. You take wrestling WAY too seriously if you actually think that.

He's more charismatic than he's allowed to be but yeah I couldn't see him having a huge movie career. I'd be down to see him as a soldier in 300 though lol

Legacy + Latent Potential + Look

You've got a funny way of misreading vitriol with apathy. The crowd DOESN'T CARE about the Cruiserweights, they HATE Roman and Roman played directly into that tonight. Also when your heat is as nuclear as Roman's it's definitely not X-Pac heat.

This is the most gloriously flagrant and tongue in cheek video that I've seen in a LONG time. Cornrow Kenny really is operating on a whole other level.

I find the lack of Gosling in this to be very extremely troubling

I'm pretty sure he was referencing KRS-One with that line

You think so?

I'm enjoying the hell out of this season and this was a banner episode but I am starting to get a little concerned due to some of the storytelling acrobatics that they're starting to pull. Most notably Talia's existence, Vigilante's identity and the absence of Evelyn. Here's hoping that they'll be able to wrap

His performance is becomes even more impressive when you factor in how much of a human golden retriever he was on the USA comedy Sirens.

Vigilante is more than likely Claiborne's son

I love a great many things about this show but one of the things that I love the most is how they've built this whole season around war but in a psychological sense with David & Lenny as opposed to the more literal sense. While I have no doubt that we'll get some sweet sweet mutant war goodness in the future, I'm

I've been thinking the same thing

It's the damnedest of damn shames that the Road to Wrestlemania is bringing out the worst in Smackdown (I really hope they can salvage things within the next couple of weeks), but I'll still take this show week in and week out over the dumpster fire that is RAW these days. It's gotten so bad that I watch it via

*project vomits*


I honestly thought this episode was objectively bad, for the most part, but then again I admittedly gave up on the show half way through season 7. What I will give it props for is nailing the brother moments, where everything else fell totally flat for me those moments shined through. I always appreciated this show

Nikita Jr