Butts Carlton

True true, still a damn shame though. They're ruining a guy who, poor booking aside, is a legitimate top prospect.


Seriously. It's downright baffling that Vince has the PERFECT example for righting the Roman ship in his own uber successful cousin and he refuses to use it.

I'm still salty that the sequel got canned, so much potential there.

As if I needed another reason to love Donnie Yen

*projectile vomits*

I feel like "ruined" is an overstatement but they're definitely gonna have to make sure he gets back to wrecking house soon. I feel like the smarter decision would've been to have Taker cost Roman his match at Fastlane.

I'll never forget Dumont in her unforgettable turn as "The White Lady"

Still though, I'm having a hard time seeing Randy's actions as heroic. Cunning for sure but definitely not heroic. I came out of that segment legitimately feeling bad for Bray and actually wanting to see Randy get some comeuppance.

I mean it's implausible from a character/storytelling standpoint. Orton's pretty much permanently over on account of the RKO being arguably the most protected move in the WWE right now, but dude is unquestionable the bad guy in this situation. I mean he literally burned the corpse of a man's sister bruh lol. At the

If Bray is meant to be the heel in this feud I'd agree that it makes him look weak. On the flipside though, if he's meant to be the face then they just made him sympathetic af (thanks in part to Bray's great panicked acting in the segment).

Randy looked like Lucifer himself in that last shot tonight. I hope to GOD that they don't portray him as a babyface going into Mania because that's completely implausible at this point.

Worth it

Why do laundry when you could drink wine out of dat navel divet

*clutches pearls* I consider myself to be a heterosexual male but sweet jesus lookatdat chocolate

Well that's disappointing, I actually really enjoyed the show. It got really engaging as the season progressed and legitimately had me on the edge of my seat towards the end.

This looks so batshit that I MUST witness it. Whatever the hell it ends up being it won't be boring that's for damn sure.

It makes it that much sadder considering that he had the hardest life out of any of the Keating Five and never truly got to find any peace.

I saw there dynamic as more of a close friend thing that could develop into something romantic over time and extended close proximity

I did before Laurel started treating them like they were star crossed lovers after he died. I think there was always a chemistry/potential there between the two and I liked them together a HELL of a lot more than I liked her and fuckin Frank but they basically ran it into the ground during her grieving period.