Butts Carlton

…You know what? I don't think they did.

I think I might be done. After seeing Wes get killed in such an ugly fashion (seriously was that hard to watch for anyone else?) and then get used as a scapegoat, I not sure that I have enough vested interest or emotion left in the tank to stick around and see why the hell Laurel's father did it. I'll probably still

Still his best role

I'm just waiting for Wes to saunter out in the last 5 minutes of the finale like "SURPRISE BITCH"

After FINALLY getting a chance to see the episode, I'm kind of in the middle of the road. I definitely don't think that it's the WORST episode of the show that I've ever seen (like a few here have passionately stated) but I also feel like the potential power of the episode was undermined by not really taking a stance

To each their own then

I think you're sort of missing the point though. While I agree he did Sloane and they play SUPER grimey by just bailing, he legitimately didn't know what was going on with Randall. For all he knew, he could've been on a ledge. That feeling of dread can be overwhelming and I can't really blame him for rushing to his

Sometimes being a leader is to be a sponge for the criticism and jeers of the very people that you're trying to save. She could either devote her energy on arguing with everyone or she could keep her focus on the task at hand. Clarke'll be fine, she's a trooper.

There we go, I knew there was a specific word for it but it escaped me yesterday lol. Yeah I hear you but not everyone can arrive at that conclusion at the same time, it's just unrealistic. I'd like to believe that the show's building up to that "Ah ha" moment for him (it is still early in the season after all)

I gotcha. I say all this, not so much in defense of Jasper (I, too, would like to see Clarke call him out) but moreso to play Devil's advocate. A lot of times people will call someone a weak character simply because they don't like them, which really isn't how it works lol.

I actually thought he was pretty damn good there too for the time he was given

He was fantastic in Foxcatcher

I guess for me, even though I don't always like him, I understand him which makes me see his worth. While yes, everybody else was having it hard too, that doesn't mean that we're all about to look outside of ourselves when we're suffering (and boy was he suffering). Most suffering is very selfish and only the "saints"

Exactly. That argument holds ZERO water.

Idk, while Jasper isn't personally one of my favorite characters I feel as though he's a character with an interesting perspective. Given the serious emotional rollercoaster that he's been on throughout the show and the fact that he wasn't really built for this shit to begin with I think his new "Fuck it" mindset

Much like real life

Well I mean he's making history with his refusal to sign to a label and he's a general ray of sunshine so I'd say it's warranted

1. That track is fire
2. That's a really dumb reason to not wanna listen to someone

I learned not to count out The CW a looooooong time ago lol

I just don't think that Kara's very good at defending her points half the time (whether that's a character thing or just the writing is anyone's guess). I'm still taken aback by her flimsy ass argument against James being Guardian.