Butts Carlton

I mean given that his best friend is Clark Kent and considering who his ARCH NEMESIS is, I can't say that I blame him for being mad skeptical

I feel you. These 10 episodes, despite some seemingly intentional plot holes, told such a definitive and complete story that I find myself struggling to see where they can go from here. I'm sure that it'd be a sight to behold but after seeing Lenny's arc come full circle, I sort of don't really want it.


Seriously. He's an enjoyable enough character because he's such an unrepentant douchebag (and Xander clearly seems to be having a blast) but it's really not that hard to find him unlikeable as a person. I know for a fact that I wouldn't want that guy leading a community that I was in.

Does anyone know if those people at the end of the episode were from the comics or not? I have enough knowledge of the comic book universe to know about a majority of the bigger arcs and characters but I don't read them.

I don't feel as though the show is trying to convince us to "hate" Gregory, he just has a way of surviving that's very self serving. I feel as though Zack is missing the clear difference between Ezekiel and Gregory by comparing them. While they both turned down the offer to join up with Rick & The Alexandrians,

What I wouldn't give to witness a conversation between those two gifted loonies

The amount of butthurt in the Youtube comment section is hilarious

There's something about getting old and grey that seems to unleash a new level of pathos for some of these old action stars

And the Oscar goes to…

John Wick 3: A Dog's Purpose

This could very well be Keanu's second chance at sticking the landing of a promising trilogy

I can understand WHY they may have ripped off the bandaid but it still didn't sit well with me. Idk, I don't think Mechad Brooks' acting is the problem but rather the material that he's often given. Even though I like Guardian and think he provides a potentially interesting dynamic to the crime fighting realm of

Yes Please

I'm a big fan of Refn but this killed me lmao

THANK YOU!!!! Jesus Christ, Gotham not being just a direct GCPD adaption pisses me off to no end


I feel like in the first season there was sense to it. Not only is James handsome af, but he also provided a connective tissue to her cousin, understood the struggles that she went through coming into her own and was super supportive of her/her heroics. Then all of a sudden she got him and decided that she didn't

Gotcha. I can respect that. I think I'm also more lenient with it because I actually don't really care about the Mon-El/Kara thing.

Gotcha. Yeah I could've done with the whole relationship angst thing but I kind of like the Guardian stuff mostly because he looks cool lol. I could do without the "I was made for this" motivation though. They had a perfectly fine motivation before with him being tired of living in the shadow of his heroic friends and