Butts Carlton

I'm legitimately curious, what is it about James that the fandom hates so much? I never quite got it.

Oh I know, that's why I asked where the hell she's been lol

I could've sworn her and Kara was gonna end up being like the genderbent Lex & Clark from Smallville (aka the most well developed relationship on the show) but sadly that hasn't been the case at all.

Exactly! It was so abrupt and sense then they've sort of acted like it never happened. James still seems to harbor some feelings but Kara seems to have adopted this "Welp! On the the next one!" mentality which both seems out of character and feels implausible considering that she spent most of season 1 pining over him.

It's the mischief in his face

- I can’t believe that they played Barenaked Ladies on a CW Show in 2017. What a time.

I like Mon-El more when he's not OBVIOUS LOVE INTEREST.

As someone who doesn't really care for/about the pairing I'm okay with them not doing it lol

Thank ya kindly

Kara Danvers: Says humans aren't capable of superheroics weeks after teaming up with Team Arrow to fight aliens.

Is that mufuckin Kavinsky playing in the background!?

He's had to deal with 50 years of suffering, cut the guy some slack lol

Definitely the most cinematic animated show that the US has produced


Not even Atlanteans can resist the strong embrace of a Polynesian man

Someone's only seen him in Super Friends

Oh I know, it just feels odd because the last time I remember seeing her Ollie & her had an intimate night and it feels weird for them to just not address that at all for several episodes. Just feels weird is all.

My bad it's a movie disregard my comment

True but this was a nice way to acknowledge the Black Canary legacy from the comics without having to make up a new character seeing as how Laurel's mom definitely wasn't a vigilante in her past in the show canon.

Yeah that whole roof sequence was HOT FIRE.