Butts Carlton

She signed on to a new show recently so I wouldn't hold my breath

Nah she's not gone forever (Oliver still has to rehabilitate Black Siren after all) but seeing as how she's signed on to a new show we probably won't see her for a while

As much as I'm loving this season I can't help but wonder if they've just forgotten about Oliver's "relationship" with the reporter. Like where'd she go? Have they addressed that and I missed it?

Got a load of Mr. Counter Culture over here

Oh yeah he's definitely gonna ham his way all the way to the Best Actor in a Miniseries trophy for this

YUP! Watching an above average actor having a blast chewing up scenery without an ounce of cynicism is a powerful thing. JDM's doing the same thing with Negan which keeps the character from being unbearable.

Heisenberg Syndrome

I'm fine with the way they handled it tonight because it makes it look like Reigns "ain't no bitch" and it fits his general demeanor. Honestly I'll be much more interested in this feud if they're semi on equal playing field as opposed Roman having to try and "overcome the odds" again. Especially if the rumors are true

Dillinger vs. Young: 3.5 Stars (Solidly worked on both ends with a well told story)

I'm torn on that. I'm happy because it means more Jack but I'm sad that they were so young because that means Jack never got to see them grow into adults.

Big Dick Wes

I wouldn't be surprised though I'd hate to see Human Golden Retriever Eddie's legacy tarnished like that

Thank ya kindly

OOOOO!!! The plot thickens….

I'm gonna assume that Talia never brings up her last name while trains Oliver. Also I'm now feeling more confident than ever that Prometheus might be Tommy.

Spartan/Vigilante spin off webseries when?!

Another thing that makes Season 5 a bit more impressive is that they're operating in a MUCH bigger world now. Season 2 was very inclusive, hell Flash hadn't even premiere yet; while in Season 5 they're basically standing as one of the anchors of a DCTV universe that has magic and time travel yet are still making it

Indeed. I loved watching him be a thorn in the side of that stuffy old general. I hope that once they get around to revealing that he's Vigilante that he sticks around.

I'm still upset that they cancelled it. There was still some gas left in the tank damnit!

Season 2 of Arrow is still a master class of escalating stakes and remains one of my favorite seasons of television ever; but I almost feel like Season 5 is even more impressive due to the sheer bounce back factor of it all. I mean the fact that the show has completely turned a corner quality-wise and is still finding