@wagedomain: already available, but I really wouldn't recommend it over say sky fire or even the stock browser unless speed is your main concern. That's one thing I'll give opera. It made my phone feel like it was on wifi even just being on 3g.
@wagedomain: already available, but I really wouldn't recommend it over say sky fire or even the stock browser unless speed is your main concern. That's one thing I'll give opera. It made my phone feel like it was on wifi even just being on 3g.
I have never wanted or even thought about buying a tablet until now. The kickass music did me in
@OMG! British Dinosaur!: I have an irrational hatred for pieces of technology with apples on it too. So count me in also
I learned chinese from watching this. Wtf?
Wowww. 6 inch screen huh? Ya know some people don't think that's big enough? Sigh...sorry girlfriend...
@rbgaynor: 71% of them may, but how many of that 71 is iPhone? What other smartphone worth having does att even have? What if we said about 40% of that 71 is iPhone? Then this assumption about data figures would still be the same right? Ow...my brain hurts...
@Jeb_Hoge: Google nav sucks up battery, not data. Once it downloads the directions (like regular old goog maps) it just uses gps to take you to your location, not data. That's why on my verizon android phone i can navigate and take calls at the same time. It's not downloading anymore data
So much for the fanboy argument "Well, just watch how crippled verizon's network gets when it gets the iPhone! Harrr harrr"
Or you can be like me: carry an extra same capacity battery in my pocket/backpack so when i need it, i swap it out. Easy. Keeps the phone thin
maybe i have grainless eyes, but i don't see the big deal. You really shouldn't be watching movies with a magnifying glass watching for grainy sweat droplets off arnie's face anyway
@NorwoodIsMyHero: Now you're an idiot for insulting two idiots with your idiotic comment that contributed nothing to anything and made no sense. Welcome to the club! And "Caldwell"? Really? Do i even need to call you the "i" word or have you accepted it already?
@TheCrudMan: I can hold my old cheap ass droid eris any way i can and signal doesn't change at all. Can you?
@paintedangel: If it was me, wouldn't you be calling yourself a moron since i replied to you? Hmm...
@paintedangel: Who's the moron replying to the moron, moron?
I can't believe i'm saying this, but i agree with el jobso on this one. It's just a phone. Not a religion. Not something that will get you laid. Not something that will drastically impact the coarse of your life. If you're having problems with it that you consider dealbreakers, don't standby USING the phone that's…
@Brad Roth: requirements for gingerbread sound like they're made for incredible. 1 ghz processor, 512 mb ram, sexy screen. Incredibles should be good to go for 3.0. SHOULD BE. We'll see
Every year the verizon iphone rumors go into their cycles. It's debunked. Then it's little rumors for a month or two, then the rumors get big word of mouth on the web and people start actually believing them as if they had come out of job's own mouth, then it's debunked again. Rinse, repeat
That's nice. How about bringing it to my htc incredible? Geez, how about at least a time frame? Now-the end of the century
I suspect gizmodo broke their first bought iPhone 4 on purpose to feel like they got back at apple for the trouble they got...
@ItsMeGuy: Do people still call each other fanboys on the internet behind their little keyboards? 2007 called. It wants it's nerd lingo back