Marcus Cadwell

I love this part was unexpected that the big wig at google would mention how great an android phone can be?

@stachous ya know, with your little ford (found on the road dead) comment, You remind me of those snarky little teenagers back in the day that would refer to a boyband like nsync as "nstink" to really feel like you've done your duties to put someone else down with a well thought out diss. Ouch. Yeah. The ford owners

Meh. Don't have a religion. Don't have any major prejudices against anyone in the world. Don't hate gay people. Just don't like pedophiles (that not only think it but act on their urges) living in society. Take someone else's points and deviate offtopic. I'm not in it anymore. Have fun

Because i'm too pretty to go to jail. I wouldn't survive one minute in there

I don't like 'em. Sorry. Speaking from a total place of ignorance, i can't understand how someone like that would be functional in society. Especially around children. Wanna disagree with me? Want pedos working at zoos and schools? Fine. Maybe they shouldn't be locked up. I don't know. Just saying i'm not comfortable

AND gay people? How did we lump all that in? Blacks too? You took quite a few liberties in deviating from exactly what we're talking about it using your own "Oh, if you mean this then you must mean that too!" ideology.

I wish i could type this long diatribe countering what you just posted, but i honestly can't. Your post really made me think and i appreciate that. I never thought about it in terms of circumstance, rather than the end result. If put in a situation to defend my family, i could be in a position to murder. I could never

So pedophiles=okay for society in your book? Honestly, i don't even know how to argue with someone that thinks that. Other then to say, enjoy your jail cell when you get one.

Maybe i'm narrow minded, but i can't imagine a pedophile NOT being harmful to society. If they feel the way they feel, it's mental illness and it will result in someone getting hurt. I don't think the legal system has a cure for what they are. I'm not as concerned with curing them as i am with them being locked away

Not "sex". As i said, i feel violent crimes don't get taken seriously enough. Read my other posts

See my other posts for my point. "sex" was the wrong wording. Sex abuse, sex crimes, sex assault. And i don't think it's worse than killing someone. I think they're equal because either way, you're doing lifelong damage. When we say one is worse than the other, its like we trivialize one of them to boost the other up

I didn't really think about it like that. I've seen victims of rape share their stories 20 yrs later and they're still not able to move on and have a normal life. It's heartbreaking. My point in short that i've been replying to others is, violent crimes need to be taken more seriously.

Sex. Sex abuse. Acts of sex abuse that endanger lives. We're talking semantics here. See my other posts for my point

I think i may have used the ">" a little sparingly. What i mean is

They're both horrible on the same level. I just feel shitty when i see a murderer get out in 10 years but a sick-for-life pedophile do 25 yrs. Isn't murder bad anymore? Doesn't feel fair to me. I don't think i got that point across in my first post

Well, my point more than anything is that this isn't as simple as some make it out to be. Sexual abuse is bad. Rape is bad. Murder is bad. If someone rapes someone else but also kills them, in your eyes, is that better because the victim didn't have to live with the consequences? I'm really not sure i understand.

All these people shouting "death penalty! Give 'em the death penalty gaarrrrrgh!!" are some of the prime examples in society that sex is more shocking than violence or death. What these sickos did was disgusting, but the fact that these guys will do more hard time than someone that assaulted or murdered someone is

All these people shouting "death penalty! Give 'em the death penalty gaarrrrrgh!!" are some of the prime examples in society that sex is more shocking than violence or death. What these sickos did was disgusting, but the fact that these guys will do more hard time than someone that assaulted or murdered someone is

What people can take from this isn't that ipad 2 has a good camera (because it clearly doesn't) but that if you have a steadycam rig and some skills you can make shitty quality video with nice angles! I'd like to see them try this with a cell phone camera. Or a flip cam. Avatar 2: shot on an iphone 5!