@JDickson87: Why bother with a backing at all? If they can make the motherboard shiny, it'll do just fine
@JDickson87: Why bother with a backing at all? If they can make the motherboard shiny, it'll do just fine
@pettiblay: Butthead!
@LuckyChuck: they signed that exclusive deal with att first. Sucks for us americans
If you really wanted to show someone something, why don't you take a pic and send it while on a call? Afterall, isn't that one of the main reasons behind att's "talk and surf" ad campaign?
Aside from the fact that he probably jerked off in the fedex truck right before he touched your package, dropping from 1 foot would be the last thing in my mind
@Fishbear: How is the incredible "verizon customized"?
@mustafaluigi: An upgrade is an upgrade. You should be good to go
@Mihos: I suspect the ball stick thing with ps3's move helps greatly with accuracy, so rather than doing it half ass like xbox, they worked a little harder on it. Maybe?
@Korrupt: I guess having less controllers is a good thing in people's eyes, but in mine, that little ball stick thing will help with accuracy. And really, if i'm playing golf games, i want to feel like i'm holding SOMETHING for real goddamn it. Even if it's just a little ball stick thing that my imagination tells me…
@Setonas: What do you think? Is apple's hype about their little camera true or untrue?
@tande04: Oh. I would've assumed they just used standard gps
Someone explain...because my head is about to explode. Why would a camera truck even have wifi? What's the point? It's there to take pictures of the street right? Ah...google. Never evil
Having already seen sample pics from evo, incredible and other newer phones, i'm not impressed. Just because it's "iPhone 4" it gets it's own post?
So what does this teach us? When one company does something kinda scary, another company is sure to follow. Verizon ups their etf, then att does. Att limits internet usage, then verizon does.
@Skreenname: Well, smartphones and data cards for laptops
@LordPants: Good luck with that. ATT has the same thing and sprint and tmobile are sure to follow
@eben: What about when you're at someone else's house that doesn't have coverage? Can you take the microcell with you then?
@styfle: How's att treatin ya? They're the only reason i left. If that little antenna band thing works, i might come back
@mantisxb: God i wish i could promote comments
@dgkz0idberg: Your anger is a little scary. I may have wet myself a little