“Regional Holiday Music” (Community) has my favorite Christmas song, so probably that
“Regional Holiday Music” (Community) has my favorite Christmas song, so probably that
Gillian Anderson in the Community movie as an FBI agent not named Scully. Abed has to reconcile the existence of this not-Scully Scully. Cherry on top: Anderson’s character is partnered with an agent that is named Scully, played by Robert Patrick.
Yeah there’s a question mark at the end, but read it again and see if it makes sense as an inquiry. People often phrase critique in question form, and odds are you know that but are engaging in some facetiousness of your own.
He genuinely was an 11-year-old’s Platonic ideal of comedy.
I would 1000x rather watch a straightforward Spielberg biopic. It’s so clearly autobiographical that fictionalizing it comes off as disingenuous. I wouldn’t even care if it were a Spielberg biopic made by Spielberg; that would still seem less onanistic than this.
That’s a semantic nitpick bordering on facetious. It’s an epic poem, dating back to before books existed in anything close to a modern sense, that tells a long-form, continuous fictional narrative and, if you’re reading it today, is going to be printed in book form.
They had also never adapted a book into a movie before.
“And then I woke up.”
True, but what kind of hell must be it be like to be alive after death with the consciousness of an infant or someone with dementia?
But that involves a 6.82913447% chance of an antiproton inversion loop! You can’t take that kind of risk!
“there was a ball fumbled . . .”
Malleability is not necessarily an indicator of fragility.
Game of Thrones already did pretty much that, splitting the cast up in different groupings filming in different locations from season to season. I get that that approach wouldn’t fit for just anything and everything, but if there’s a setting that lends itself to precisely those kind of logistics it’s this one.
Ah, so now the part where he yells, “And hell’s comin’ with me!” as his space helicopters attack The Giving Tree makes a lot more sense.
Might be niggling with the term “sequel,” but Marvel was a movie a year out of the gate, up to two a year very quickly, then to three a year. So, it “always took” 2-3 years until Marvel wrote the new playbook nearly 15 years ago that everybody wants to follow without actually reading it. There is definitive…
I’m sorry, green people?
I get that the original brought a lot of technical advancements, but for the life of me it was almost immediately surpassed in the visual department. Everything looks so artificial.
There’s Wheelchair Guy who is also Main Blue Guy, Blue Zoe Saldana, Mean Blue Guy, Nerdy Dude, George C. Scott from Dr. Strangelove, and Sigourney Weaver.
I wouldn’t say “strangely” because it’s Avatar. “Lacking” is a feature, not a bug. There’s a reason everyone immediately stopped caring about the original as soon as it left theaters.
explaining in a New York Times profile that he made the show to explore how homophobia and racism allowed Dahmer’s murders to continue