
The pace of his movements doesn’t match up with the speed of his running. Like, he runs inefficiently; I don’t know if that’s just how he runs or if it’s part of his brand of always putting in maximum effort in his movies (to his credit). It’s like he doesn’t realize that when it comes to anything athletic, the better

Sometimes she runs like Tina Belcher and other times she runs like it’s her arms providing all the propulsion. Pick one bad running style and stick to it.

I can’t hang with the Cum Town podcast on a regular basis, but there’s an episode where they talk about what they refer to as “Entenmann’s Donuts goatee” era Seagal movies and it’s pretty fucking great.

Put that kryptonite down! Kryptonite’s for klosers only.

That alone set off every alarm that wasn’t already ringing in my head. Literally the only people I have ever heard refer unironically to marijuana as “drugs” were preachy Reefer Madness types. Toss in that this guy was running the Classic edition of the Present the Most Lopsided One Side of the Story playbook already

Wyatt Judd would have been a better fit, no?

super models coming to grips with penises and vaginas

If you can sensibly put a preposition in front of it, then it’s whom because that’s the objective case (the same applies to me/him/her).

in the Destiny/The Division mold

The fact that the LW doesn’t specify what drugs makes me skeptical. People say “pot” or “weed” when they’re referring to (especially their own) casual partaking, they don’t say “drugs.” That letter has all the stink of someone carefully putting the best possible spin on their side of the story, and it still doesn’t

Connor is a filthy rich finance guy who just bought Matt Damon’s extravagant house


Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. Squig Herder.

It’s truly depressing how shit Warhammer Online was at release and for the first couple of years, and how by the end it had been patched into a really fun fantasy PVP-focused MMO but soooo much goodwill had been burned to below the ground that there wasn’t even a fraction of the playerbase needed to sustain the game.

It’s not like all 65 games are that tightly connected. Warhammer is at its core a setting more than anything else, and you can absolutely pick a pretty specific vein of Warhammer to focus on and enjoy and ignore everything else.

While we rantin’ and ravin’ ‘bout gats
They made these gats, they got some shit
That’ll blow out our backs
From where they stay at

It is the kind of thing that people should watch; as Mullah Omar pointed out it is frighteningly relevant. The more people ignore or overlook something like it, the more likely it is that other future scenarios repeat it.

I went into it knowing Jared Harris was going to be great from having watched S1 of The Terror. Stellan Skarsgaard I came away really impressed by; not that I thought he was a bad actor before but I was mostly aware of him from the Exorcist prequel and the Thor movies, his performance as Scherbina is fantastic.

Yeah there’s reason there for being uncomfortable with a catchphrase and even with that particular catchphrase given that Fisher was already concerned about the first portrayal of a black DC superhero. That’s valid,