
You think Hemingway shot himself because of some worsening physical condition or some existential malaise?

Nick Adams driving down a country highway. As he passes a weathered road sign, the camera stops tracking the roadster to focus on the sign.

Yeah, I can have a problem with Hot Topic making money selling Dance Cat t-shirts with zero involvement from the guy who made Dance Cat and also still have a problem with living in a world where “I can put together some dumb shit in MSPaint and sell it for millions so that’s my life plan now fuck school” is a thing.

Shit, I forgot I had two articles open and posted this (and a few others) on the wrong one.

I can have a problem with Hot Topic making money selling Dance Cat t-shirts with zero involvement from the guy who made Dance Cat and also still have a problem with living in a world where “I can put together some dumb shit in MSPaint and sell it for millions so that’s my life plan now fuck school” is a thing. And if

Beeple Winkelmann. Yeah, it adds right up.

And I suppose there are some rare drops which people would pay thousands of dollars for (althoug not likely hundreds of thousands).

More like “undergrad economics class”

It does seem like “high concept” should mean “complex and involved concept” and “low concept” should mean “concept easily explained in a short sentence, if that much,” but no, for some reason it’s other way ‘round.

And it’s not that Crystal Skull doesn’t try to have those sequences, but it doesn’t deliver on them the way the previous films did. Like, I vaguely remember Shia LaBouef swinging through trees with monkeys, but I absolutely do not remember why he was doing it. I remember why Indy is running from a big rock in Raiders,

Both of those things are legal *with restrictions* that may apply in this particular case. Yes, it’s legal at base to resell pretty much anything you buy at retail, the specific issue there is the scale of your reselling business. At some point you are no longer a reseller and are simply yourself a retailer, and while

Nike is just jealous they didn’t come up with idea and make all the profits.

It’s not great music, but to me he does come across as someone who is aware and thoughtful enough to take advantage of the cultural wind without seeming exploitative, which has to be a fine line to walk and I think speaks to his apparent genuineness as a person.

It’s at the very least to maintain an established record of protecting their trademark. I don’t know how dropping the case entirely might affect that; I suspect they will at least pursue some sort of settlement.

Pretty sure Nike burned any hypothetical fundy bridges with the Kaepernick ad. This seems like a pretty straightforward case of a third party pulling Nike into a controversy Nike wasn’t prepared to get involved in. The drop of human blood alone is enough reason for a company like Nike to not want any association here,

21 is still riding a real wavy line for me. IMO at some point it’s basically not about X-Y but rather where do X and Y sit respectively in terms of point in life. By late 20s most of us are all in basically the same general position: 40/28 is twice the age gap 26/20 is but I’d eye it much less skeptically because the

I think it’s the age not so much because 6 years is huge (obviously it’s not, there are plenty of perfectly fine relationships with bigger age gaps) but that the 6 years between 20 and 26 are huge; the odds that any 26-year-old and 20-year-old are going to be on roughly equal footing are low. That he was her boss

One of the first Zoom rules I had to set this year was no Among Us lobby codes in Zoom chat.

That game really was good, and watching someone else play it almost better than watching the movie.