
I’ll allow it.

Eh, the psychology there seems pretty simple to me. It’s teenagers engaging in adult behavior in an adult setting. It’s just another reinforcement of the “I’m not a CHILD” attitude that permeates approximately 96% of teenage behavior. Not to mention it’s a bigger bed in a bigger, and most definitely cleaner, room and

A lot of savages, that’s what they all are. A bunch of bloody savages.

However, when people say something “saved their life” I’m always a bit dubious.

It is if you’re using that suggestion to dismiss the actual way someone found success.

There is no way to measure what didn’t happen.

So, uh, was anyone charged with contempt of court over this?

Greg’s more of an honorary family member, hence the quotation marks.

Is there some confirmation, or are a lot of replies here simply assuming that these are nude photos? I get that the use of the term “underage” has certain connotations, but it seems to me the more likely scenario given what is said in the quoted statements is that these are photos of underage drinking/drug use,

“like credit cards and debt”

“She inspired people with her content and Facebook didn’t give her any warning or anything and just took away her livelihood,” he told The Daily Mail. “It will make you lose sleep.”


Clearly the least realistic thing about zombie fiction is pretending that zombies’ brainivorous diet is sustainable given what we now know about a significant portion of the human population.

Clearly the least realistic thing about zombie fiction is pretending that zombies’ brainivorous diet is sustainable given what we now know about a significant portion of the human population.

I am 74% sure that in one of the old Godzilla vs. random D-tier monster movies Godzilla does indeed actually perform an atomic drop.

That also doesn’t happen nearly as often as the inverse in real life. Both the real-life fact and the fact about movie casting are symptoms of the same actual root issue, not one the cause of the other.

You’ve listened to like two songs ever if you refer to this as “musical genius.”

he ANTI-communicates. He communicates in a way that makes legitimate forms of speech break down and become useless.

he ANTI-communicates. He communicates in a way that makes legitimate forms of speech break down and become useless.