“Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who is the stablest genius of them all?”
“Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who is the stablest genius of them all?”
Ian Malcolm was right.
The same people are perfectly content with federal power and an activist judiciary when it happens to be aligned with what they want.
conservative voices
Enough is enough. I have had it with these monkey-fighting takes in this Monday-to-Friday thread.
The final act and Ares fight deservedly gets a lot of shit, but the battle stuff on Themyscira is also some shit-tier Snyder-esque bollocks. I definitely feel like that sequence was forced on Jenkins to maintain some congruence with the overall Snyder DCEU.
It wasn’t until the very end of the movie that an actual battle took place the rest of the movie was just talking slow pacing
Obviously I can’t state with absolute certainty that flash bang grenades enhance the blowjob experience, but then neither can someone else state with absolute certainty that flash bang grenades *don’t* enhance the blowjob experience.
As someone who’s worked a few customer-facing jobs in my lifetime, let me say that Pop Copy’s philosophy of customer relationships is dead on the money.
NGL that one news team announcing the day of the week during lockdown was doing the Lord’s work.
menstruation=negligent homicide
male masturbation=reckless abandonment
I didn’t see Solo, so maybe some of that is contradicted by events in that film
I didn’t see Solo, so maybe some of that is contradicted by events in that film
the accepted-by-less-people-than-we’re-super-comfortable-with loser of said election
We need to talk about Rudy Giuliani’s footwear.
Fake fan, can’t even get the details right:
isn’t the central joke of “My Cousin Vinny” the fact that Alabama is so backwards and slow and trusting and polite that it takes them about a week to verify Vinny’s identity to expose him as a fraud, and they only figure it out after he’s gamed the system?
Are you insinuating that Giuliani is a goddamn robot?