
Slides 52:53

I did, but the pepto coloring immediately cured it

My sister-in-law’s family runs one of those seasonal Christmas . . . stores? exhibits? whatever, there’s animatronics and kids get their picture made with Santa and there’s a little kids’ theater playing Rudolph and shit. Anyway, the whole place screams “FUCK YEAH CHRISTMAS MOTHERFUCKAAAAAS” less than that foyer.

“Hello, Cleveland, Pennsylvania!”

The central conceit of the book is that widespread belief in something untrue starts to warp the shape of reality itself, and the Department Of Truth is tasked with resolving the fallout from that distortion.

i’m not sure i agree that the nuclear family model is no longer aspirational for black people? most folks i know want/wanted that but are either still single or settled for something different.

I certainly don’t want to disparage investors’ attempts to get money in return for their money, but Parton just straight up gave them a million bucks.

But he totally breezed through it because he’s in fantastic, amazing physical condition and has access to the most advanced medical treatments so it’s not even that bad of a disease!

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Hmm. Where does Old Man Kelsey fit into these rankings?

Literally everything there is the opposite of how you think it is.

Nah. No dig against Miley, but no one on this earth is Dolores O’Riordan and no one on this earth should take on a song that Dolores O’Riordan sang.

That is what you presented (“I’ve never . . .”), and while Bren did not show they did state that there is statistical evidence backing their claim. A quick Google search (again, per Bren’s suggestion) turns up 2017 statistics indicating that shoplifting accounted for 35.7% (decreasing from previous years) of retail

Not only did I not really “get” the joke there (tbh it wasn’t much of a joke), it made me worried that her reasoning for saying actors shouldn’t dress up for Halloween would be really insufferable but once I got to it it’s a pretty legit reason imo.

It’s a War of the Worlds allusion.

There is absolutely a distinction between deadpan and earnest, and you just will not stop adding things I didn’t say to things I did say so that you can argue against points I didn’t make, so sayonara

She is a female human that many male humans are aware of. Extrapolate from there.

That is not at all what I’m talking about. If you think I’m saying the movie has to be jokey and lampshade every point it’s trying to make then you aren’t even reading my comments. I’m saying that what Verhoeven was going for requires *deadpan* performance, and Harris is the only actor out of the main cast who was

Yeah. He’s made a few great films, with the excellent timing to make a couple of them early in his career, and has really rested hard on that reputation for the most part.

I didn’t hate Prometheus by any means, but Covenant was dog shit.

Spike Lee angrily tweets search results for Goodie Mob