
Its legacy is its economy.

IMO Scott is overrated as an all-around filmmaker—Blade Runner in particular is a stark example of not just style over substance but style as substance—but Alien is a masterpiece of not one, but two genres and would sit comfortably in the top tier of any director’s filmography.

“First major role” might even be overstating it some, considering Cyborg is at best 6th banana in Justice League, and a mostly overlooked banana at that. The role could have been bigger if DC/WB had done a remotely proper job of building the DCEU, could have gotten bigger if they hadn’t fucked the dog so, so badly and

A few months after Forrest Gump hit theaters, Newt Gingrich led a right-wing revolution, brandishing his so-called Contract With America as the Republicans took over both houses of Congress.


He’s making a satire, so yeah he is going for a satiric tone, if that’s even a thing. It doesn’t have to be comedic, but when it’s not just the characters but the actors who seem to be playing everything at face value that doesn’t work. It creates a jarring disjunction between the propaganda clips (which are at times,

I think it’s that most of those actors were breaking in through Melrose Place and similar TV melodramas, where the whole point is playing absurd situations 100% straight. Satire doesn’t have to be overtly comedic, but the performers do need to be able to walk a fine line that presents the characters as sincere while

I would counter that Neil Patrick Harris is the only member of the main cast capable of pulling off the kind of performance that actually supports the film’s satirical aims. Van Dien, Richards, and the rest come across as earnest rather than deadpan, and that undercuts the entire thrust of the movie.

Oh serious me agrees with you

That seems like it would take some sort of general labor union and that sounds PRETTY COMMUNIST, YOU COMMUNIST

That scene and the stampeding Gallimimus scene are probably the two where the CGI has weathered the worst. Everywhere else the film does a fantastic job of hiding the weaknesses of the effects; those scenes just don’t provide any way to do that.

NBC had already screwed over their whole deal with Leno’s return. CBS picking Corden to replace Ferguson seems like a deliberate slap in the face to fans of Ferg’s LLS run.

My loathing of anything James Corden-proximal is intensified by the fact that he was/is the immediate successor to Craig Fucking Ferguson.

Immediately copied that exact same text to point out that it is an inherent contradiction

An episode where Gene meets Jorge Posada would be great because I want to hear Gene relish saying “Jorge Posada” 49 times

To avoid creating competition with Toys, he asked that his name not appear in promotions for Aladdin. Furthermore, he requested his voice not be used in the merchandising and the marketing of the film. Disney agreed and then promptly broke those promises.

aka the “make more millions $5 at a time off of confused grandparents” plan

Everett’s a nimble con man who specializes in suckering people in with surface pleasantry and quick patter. I think that suits Clooney much more than Cage, who specializes in a cult leader kind of intense oddball charisma.