
Terminator vs. T2 is like Alien vs. Aliens in that it really comes down to genre preference. As a big horror fan, it’s Terminator and Alien for me, but I can see that someone who prefers action would slot T2 and Aliens ahead of the originals.

It was a huge story leading up to the movie’s release.

Last time I rewatched T2 I had forgotten how bad Furlong is in it, and was immediately reminded, but God damn Robert Patrick makes up for it.

With you on Commando, but how dare you side-mouth Predator like that. Predator is a fantastic 80's action flick.

Agreed that Pearl Jam Matt Cameron is like third-tier Cameron at best, but the topic isn’t “Pearl Jam drummers” so Soundgarden Cameron top of the top shelf

Factually incorrect.

Objectively false.

The answer is Matt Cameron

Reminds me of a bartender at a place I used to hang out back in Tucson, Arizoña.

How about electing people who only pretend—badly, at that—to believe in any form of religion in order to sucker those who actually do believe?

The last few days have done a real number on my hope for humanity, and this story somehow made it worse.

I for one am extremely disappointed in the overall Karenness of the witches featured in this article.

Witchcraft being easy enough that some “baby witches” can get up to big shit like fucking with the moon is pretty inconsistent with witchcraft being arcane knowledge requiring years of ardent inquiry to unlock.

“Our ignorance is as valid as your knowledge”

One of the worst things James Corden ever did, and his crimes against entertainment are legion, was to replace Craig Freakin’ Ferguson.

On the one hand, there are physical powers that are essentially just a matter of degrees compared to real human capabilities. Super strength is just more of something other people have; there are plenty of real people significantly stronger than me who could ostensibly murder me with their bare hands with little

Such an enormous disparity between premise and result.

There were vague whispers even back then.

If you’re going strictly with rhyme, sure. But “Smuckers” is also very close to “schmucks” and advertising in general is designed to prey on the schmuck in all of us.

“Reilly and Jonesy Hand Out Facemasks” is my 7th-favorite episode of Letterkenny