Buffalo Hopscotch

I thought the same. It's a can of vegetables that can suck its own dick. It's so ludicrous it any attempt to explain just isn't needed.

They're totally building towards a Woodsmen VS Dr Jacoby showdown.

I imagine he picked the movie for the same reason Dennis Miller supposedly gave for why he did Bordello of Blood. He was given a million reasons to do it.

I wonder if she does that when people order?

I think she's a reluctant accomplice. Did they ever specify when the last time she and Coop saw each other. Bad Coop asks if she remembered it, so maybe that was to tell her he had another "Mr Strawberry" over her.

Who knew running a diner would take so much paperwork. Norma is non stop with that stuff. Obviously had a huge IRS issue in that 25 year period cause she was never doing 'em in the original series.

I get the feeling that Lynch/Frost aren't super into Desmond since he supposedly was just an addition because MacLachlan didn't want a huge part in the film.

I'm guessing he return at the end for a showdown with the bad Coop, but as someone here posted previously. Cooper IS the mystery now, same as who killed Laura Palmer was in the original. It'll drag out for another 2-3 episodes I think.

Cutting to a long shot of Cole standing in a yard waving his hands around while everyone silently watches + the line of "He's dead" cracked me up.

The novel is for 14 year olds isn't it?

"which was the style at the time"

I bet you were jealous of Larry Sanders.

Do you wish someone would finally tell Chris Carter to pucker up and kiss their ass?

"which almost certainly means he was fathered when Dark Coop paid a covert visit to a comatose Audrey after the bank explosion"

Ray said Bad Coop would probably know where he was headed and would "take care of him then" if he showed up or something? So I assume the reason Bad Coop wanted a gun is cause he's going to track Ray down.

No sir, I don't like it.

I remember when Oz originally aired I used to have a late lecture at uni that meant I'd have to take the last bus home which terminated a ways away from where I lived. So I'd run the 5km from the bus stop to my house so I could get home in time to watch the show.

He said on Twitter it only took them 2 takes to do it too.

I think the deal with the cops taking Dougie's coffee cup for finger prints and DNA is a big deal. What's gonna happen? Gonna ping as belonging to Dale Cooper. Gordon, Albert, Tammy and Diane are headed to Las Vegas. HEEEEELLLLLOOOOOOO! I am also quite excited about the prospect of Bushnell and Dougie teaming up too.

He mentions in the first episode that Ray was the only one she'd give the information to. Not sure why bad Coop just couldn't get it out of her some other way though.