Buffalo Hopscotch

So the "phone number" that Jefferies gave Bad Coop was the coordinates that Ruth Davenport got from Major Briggs, right? So he's heading to Twin Peaks soon.

"If you could be anything you wanted, anything in the world, what would you be?"
"…A giant teapot"

The lettuce bit was one of my favourites too.

One theory had always been that Jefferies had not only been travelling through space, but also time as well. Hence his confusion and accusations directed at Cooper who he knows ("Who do you think that is?" because Jefferies doesnt know when he has travelled to exactly, but he has come from a time when Evil Coop has

I was worried when this movie was announced and that it might just be an excuse for Franco and Rogan to do a silly movie where they get to over act and talk with bad accents.

Having watched the whole series, I think this was the episode that got the last genuine laugh from me, which was the Mitch/Waitress bit and then him and Gene meeting.

You cussing with me?

No Linden Ashby, no deal, Mortal Kombat.

Played by a British dude who pretended he was Australian because he got more work that way.

Pig Vomit.

Watching Crash was weird the first time I saw it since I think the only other thing i'd seen Elias Koteas in was Ninja Turtles (and I LOVED that movie as a kid). So at first I was like "OMG, it's Casey Jones!" and then I was like "Wow, Casey Jones and the Stargate dude are really going for it". Good film though.

I can't ever list The Room in a bad movies list, because it is a bad movie, but it's thoroughly entertaining in it's badness, which makes it a good movie.

I'm not sure, I'm in Australia, so we never really played baseball type games here. I was trying to think of what it's called, came up with "playing throw"! My mistake.

That's totally going to be the ending. And he won't answer it either. Cut to black just as he's about to speak.

Part of me thinks there's some sort of "evil" inhabiting Sara Palmer's house that is slowly torturing her. Might be Leeland somehow, or she might have some sort of spirit in her herself and it's feeding of her "pain and suffering" (her never ending grief for the loss of her daughter and the things her husband did to

I've got a pretty basic setup at home, so I'd kill to be able to watch the entire series in a movie theatre.

What's worse for Bobby in my mind I think is it appears (at least by Shelly's choice for current partner) is that reforming and getting his life together is what would have caused him to separate from his wife who he still clearly loves. In a situation where doing the "right thing" caused him to lose what he cared

Cooper needs to find his shoes.

Dougie walking into the door is so silly, but so funny. Of course he doesn't realize how doors work. Then Anthony Sinclair completely breaking down while Dougie messes with whatever was on the back of his jacket (dandruff?) and then reacting to Dougie's repeating, which everyone usually never responds to ("I want to

Noticed that with Bobby too. Even last episode showed Dougie playing throw with Sonny Jim, but then at the start of the episode this week he's coming in in a conga line with the Michum Brothers with Bushnell talking about them partying all night.