Buffalo Hopscotch

"Let me try and make money from your shaky iPhone footage."

Albert calling Gene Kelly a motherfucker is still my favourite so far.

I feel right silly because I just remembered I bought his autobiography, but then never bothered to actually go and read it. Will have to move it up the queue, I've always liked Lance Henriksen, glad to see he seems like a cool guy.

Well, you wouldn't want to get sued.

I betcha that guy wouldn't have gone crushing so many heads if someone had of just given him a god damn light like he repeatedly asked.

What a freaking time to put in a one week hiatus!

Turn the page, wash your hands. Turn the page, wash your hands. Turn the page, wash your hands.

My reading on it was more quiet respectfulness for Hawk and his beliefs about the existence of the Lodge, although you'd think he might have some questions about it.

Was a very good episode and less "jumping around" than the last episode which I found a bit off-putting.

I've seen her post some stuff about general dissatisfaction with Hollywood and her career (like how she could only get a gig on Shameless if she agreed to go topless which she wasn't super keen on), so my initial guess was maybe she thought it'd be a real good boost for profile, but like we've seen with a few other

Isn't that just a movie/tv thing in general?

The way he says "home" hits me. You can hear the longing in his voice when he says it, like he knows where he is isn't his home, he's searching for it, but he just can't remember.

When you murder all the witnesses, who's left to report you?

I was kind of hoping to that when the music stopped when he stabbed the picture of her it'd start back up again when he pulled the ice pick out.

My GF was watching with me at the time, but she hates bloody scenes, so I told her to cover her eyes as soon as the guy showed up cause you knew it was going down.

I'm not sure. Mark Frost talked about it as a possibility, but the entire thing probably hangs on what Lynch wants to do.

Episode felt a bit all over the shop for my tastes. The others have been decent and keeping the plot self contained a bit, but this felt like there was too much going on. We go from Dougie to Albert/Diane to Vegas to Dougie to RR Dinner to Hawk to Carl to Richard/Red to Janey to Carl to Richard/Red to ice pick dude to

It's all connected to Las Vegas casinos, Jim Belushi, Patrick Fischler and his boss I'd say.

My fear is that the final payoff is the "return" of Dale Cooper and we get 17 hours and 59 minutes of Dougie Jones.

It's the little, almost embarrassed, smile he gives himself when he discovers he actually really likes it that does it for me.