Buffalo Hopscotch

The socket he travelled through was #3 wasn't it?

I've always found it odd that he's one character whose never gotten a mention. I can't even remember them talking about him in the Secret History of Twin Peaks and that mentioned damn near everyone.

He names random fruits and just happened to get a hit on the first go.

It's insane how good Kyle MacLachlan is in this. To go from the darkness for Bad Coop, to the current cluelessness of "Dougie" and I'm assuming eventually, back to the old Dale Cooper we all know and love, he's absolutely nailing the completely different aspects of each character.

Could easily be that too.

He blinks backwards like the people in the Red Room.

I take it the body having Dougie's wedding ring is connected to how he gained the owl ring in the first place. How/why it's inside the body is anyone's guess at this stage.

Ah! That was driving me crazy! I was like "where do I recognize him from?"

Watch Sonny Jim blink in the car.

I think it's even funnier since Rollins doesn't have a problem with it and immediately knew Danzig would be pissed off by it.

I'd assumed it was Diane they were talking about.

I'm not sure how/if it helps, but I subscribed to the Stan here in Australia which got the same day streaming rights to the new series just to support Twin Peaks.

It almost plays like he finally got to make One Saliva Bubble.

Glad to see (hear) that Gordon Cole's new hearing aids aren't 100% perfect.

I actually dig that it's hasnt gond full "Twin Peaks" (yet) because it has made me appreciate the moment where it does feel like the old show even more.

I go back and forth on digital, but I liked it here.

Didn't want to leave Hawaii was the official reason I read.

I saw someone write there's 3 bottles of pills on the table, each containing 40 pills, so she's just doing a countdown on the amount of pills shes done.

Chester Desmond.

Their live concert is a fantastic experience.