Buffalo Hopscotch

The shot over the waterfall gives me a bit of motion sickness.

That scrotum… I mean gum you like is going to come back in style.

Heeeeelllllooooo, Mr Jackpots!

He was/is in Halt & Catch Fire too.

I watched the first 3 episodes and i'm confused and sometimes frustrated by the slow pace of it, but at the very least I'm glad it's headed somewhere new and different.

I'd go one further and say he seems to care about at least one other person other than himself, which immediately puts him ahead of Trumbo.

"What you need to do is just shut the hell up if you want to hear what Stone Cold has to say"

You already tried that in 98, remember?

I loooooovvveeeeedddd the X-Files in it's first run, but after that 2nd movie I just couldn't bring myself to care all that much. Watched it until that episode with the bomber guy in it and that was enough for me.

Where the hell does that idea come from though?

I saw this when it came out in the cinemas and don't remember a damn thing about it.

I saw it yesterday and quite enjoyed it.

I was reluctant to start watching season 2 since I thought Gus was such a turd by the end of the 1st, but yes, they seemed to tone it down a bit this time around.

Apparently so. It's at it's worst when I watch Lori Loughlin on Full House.

It's a mystery. But one that several southern women have proclaimed an attraction to.

I always go for banana fudge. So judge me as you may, but I dig the heck out of it.

My step-dad used to describe me as a sparrows best friend due to the amount of food that would end up on the floor after I ate.

That description also describes what I look like when I eat ice cream.

But if you vape you get to breathe out long plumes of vapour like you're Bill Goldberg….Or a dragon… If you're into play acting as either of those things.

I'll start vaping tomorrow. If my years at highschool are anything to go by it'll be the least cool thing by the end of the week.