Buffalo Hopscotch

I dunno if I can watch more of Love. I find Gus so unlikable that I dunno if I can keep watching.

Saw them live in Australia a few weeks ago. Fantastic show.

I was worried it was being done as a comedy and it'd just be a chance for Franco to overact while his brother does a "Oh, Tommy!" sitcom like wisecrack every time he did some zany.

It usually is, isn't it?

I've always found visual enjoyments in Paul WS Anderson directed movies, but good lord the guy just plain sucks at writing, which is a shame cause he pretty much only directs films that he writes now.

I'm assuming alot of it is generated by anger at being pigeonholed as Geoff and his inability to get his own show off the ground, but there was one show where he got quite heated and made a few angry comments about feeling like he was a massive reason why the show worked and didn't get enough credit, especially

Judging from some things Josh R. Thompson has said on Periscope, I don't think he'd be itching to get back with Craig any time soon.

"Chances are it’ll be at least another year or two before Death Stranding is actually released"

One of my favourite Twitter accounts along with AfterMASH.

I can't play this game. It gives me horrendous motion sickness, which I've never experienced playing video games before in my life.

That was his big thing in his prime to get himself psyched. Headbutt the nearest door/locker a few times. When they used to do his long entrance from the locker room to the ring you could often hear/see the door to his locker room shaking as he headbutted it before coming out.

He looks like a bored 10 year old to me. Like, remember when you'd go see your great-aunt once a year and your mum made you wear a suit and you'd drive 5 hours to go see this old lady and all there is to do is sit in a chair and watch the hours pass while mum and aunty drink tea and make idle chit chat for 4 hours.

They used it in Saints Row well, but that's kind of the point. It's a completely over the top Rambo action style scene where you're jumping out a helicopter to gun down a bunch of gangsters. Using it as a serious song in a superhero movie is kind of lame.

I thought Joseph Gordon-Levitt being in GI Joe was weird, but he seemed oddly enthusiastic about the movie when he was first announced as being in it based on what he'd been told about it and character designs he was shown. Whether he felt the same about it after the thing was done I dunno, but I could certainly see

I always love the genuine dislike between Ders and Karl.

It's be perfect for Craig Ferguson.

Randy Scouse Git is one of my favourite tracks ever.

I watched this a while ago. It was OK, but I got a sense that it's going to be a bit same-y each week, like an episode of Law & Order or NCIS or whatever and I'm not sure if there's going to be enough in the series long hook to drag me along the entire way.

…And Black Dynamite, a masterpiece that taught us both jive ass sucks and the evil of the Nixon-era administration.

It's a good thing the Fonz never screwed up in the social media era we now live in.