Buffalo Hopscotch

I got the feeling directing Warcraft was the price Jones had to pay to get Mute made in the first place. He'd talked plenty about trying to get it made after he finished Moon and nobody wanted a bar of it and he resigned himself to doing it as a graphic novel or something eventually. I didn't care much for Warcraft,

There's nothing more badass than sticking by your hetro life partner!

He was wrestling King Kong Bundy in 1995. Nobody could get a crowd to see that.

The episode was funny enough, but I just have a general dislike for musical episodes of TV shows.

I thought it was great too. Shame that they wrote Sam Stanley out of the series in the new book, would have been cool to see Sutherland back in the new series.

Looking back, it should have been obvious that it wasn't going to be. The very first thing you see is a TV smashing.

Yea, I've seen the theory that maybe his typewriter was busted, but there's a picture of it in the book and it looks in perfect working order.

It looks like there's definite red herrings in the book, but there's parts about Dr. Jacoby and his theories with the red and blue glasses with red suppressing the logical and blue sepressing the intuitive (something like that anyway), that could potentially explain things like the alien abductions and such in the

Coming off the series I HATED it, but that's because I went in expecting answers to the TV series cliffhanger, so the hate was mostly due to having my own preconceived expectations not met. I re-watched it when I got the Blu-ray set and really enjoyed it just for what it was, especially the early stuff with Chris

Is he like the modern day Christopher Walken or something? He'll do anything as long as you pay him and he can fit it in his schedule.

Danny Dyer's chocolate homunculus?

Narrative wise Limits of Control is super boring, but it is a film I do enjoy watching for the fantastic locations across Spain it was filmed in.

He smirks a lot. It annoys me.

Oh man, Charlie Murphy is gonna be pissed!

I like him too.

The 'ol Terminator 3 loophole.

Oh no! Whatever will Disney do now that a bunch of asshats are boycotting a Star Wars film? Might as well cancel all the remaining SW films and shut the whole franchise down. It's over people, it was a nice run while it lasted though.

He stopped using it, but his Twitter account was the weirdest thing when I followed him. Stuff like

Would have been better if it was Transformers: Boogie Nights and Optimus Prime pulled out his giant robot dong at the end.

I dig Kojima's Hollywood fanboyish-ness. If I could get Kiefer Sutherland or Mads Mikkelsen to be in my video game then I'd totally do it too.