Buffalo Hopscotch

Dad, what's a Buckaroo Banzai?

I had assumed Liam got the scholarship cause he was a black? Frank pointed it out when he was at the school with the posters everywhere talking about diversity and made it clear he thought the school was only interested in white (rich) students.

That web series they did was fun enough, but Mortal Kombat was a huge thing back in the mid 90's when the first movie originally came out. Does anyone really care about it much anymore?

"It was a million to one shot, doc, million to one."

The only thing edgier about American Dad now that it's on TBS is they get to say "shit" twice an episode.

It's already too late for The Middle. Goldbergs just crossed the line too.

Did you ever see Dennis Miller perform his off broadway about Peter Weller called "Give 'Em Hell, Peter"?

No Uber for me, I just use public transport like a communist instead.

Saw it last Sunday. Visuals are great, story is "meh", though I have heard complains about the ending I did like that it didn't go down the usual path these superhero movies tend to.

I can sort of understand Kirkman's naïveté in a way. He was in politics, but he was always in a position where he could be the idealistic guy pushing to make things better. He never had to make a hard decision in his life, now that sort of pressure has been ramped up from 0 to 100 in a blink of an eye and he's making

I immediately recognized the voice over at the start, but only because UNKLE sampled it for a song on Psyence Fiction. Didn't know it was from a Star Wars trailer!

Cameron's response to Donna offering to kick Joe out makes perfect sense to me. She wants to be friends again, but what happens if Donna thinks Cameron is holding the business back again? She's just tried to cut Joe out, how could Cameron trust Donna not to do the same thing to her again at a later date?

God, unable to bring himself to take Leonard Cohen, will instead accept taking Irving Cohen instead

Well that was awful.

Well, it's like the elephant in the Simpsons.

"Women are like a jar of mustard. They taste great on a sandwich, but when you're not eating one they just sit there… In a jar…. On a shelf… In the fridge… Labeled…mustard"

My Black Flag shirt has holes and tears in it from me wearing it while I was gardening.

If the Dennis Wilson spent $100,000 on Manson's girls, including antibiotics for all the gonorrhea they had thing was true then Mike Love probably did himself a favour by leaving.

With Whiterose, I always got the feeling that the dressing as a male was more like her "business costume" more than anything else and just wears it when she feels she needs to.

Eh, this movie obviously gave Jones enough juice at the studios to go and get Mute made, so if that turns out to be a brilliant film then I don't really care that Warcraft was an average at best film.