Buffalo Hopscotch

Isn't this tour just the result of them suing each other already?

He probably spent the time making one of those BuzzFeed "The 20's biggest assholes Robo has had to play with. Number 17 won't surprise you!" (It's Greg Ginn)

If there is one thing that Leto has mastered it's getting squealing fan girls to give him all their $.

Jericho can play off anyone it seems. He tagged with Seth Rollins at a show I went to last week and they paired up really well.

Vince gets lost in his dreamy blue eyes.

A bunch of songs from Bat out of Hell 3 are supposedly tunes he wrote for the Batman musical.

I saw it. It bombed cause it was a hokey piece of crap.

Mid life crisis.

The guy who sang The Touch? His name is Stan Bush, dammit and he's awesome.

That was my guess too.

That is one of my favourite songs.

I'm way behind the times, so I only just started watching 24 a few months ago and I couldn't believe he did that!

They were interviewing him since he's coming down to Australia for some talking Q&A shows.

I had no idea who she was until I googled and saw that she was in Short Term 12.

It's better just because of all the cold related lines Arnold throws out. Lines that I then use to annoy the GF when it's cold in the house.

This was the very first CD I ever bought. I was 10 years old at the time, so that stands as my excuse.

Yep, but replaces razor wires with laser wires. He admitted it in the director commentary, though gave the "homage" not ripoff excuse.

Anderson has a real good eye for visuals, but his usual issue is he can't write for shit, and just happens to write nearly every movie he directs.

It's a mixture of Jake screwing with the space time continuum I guess, which starts causing all these destructive earthquakes to start happening and politics as well.

You say that like its my fault. I didn't make him make the damn show.