
Healthcare is not free. It is paid with taxes. Do the doctor’s there work out of the kindness of their heart and then run a paper route so they can eat?

Japan does. Japan has strict immigration laws. Whey do you think they are 99% homogeneous?

ACA is in it’s last death throes. It is insolvent. This is an attempt to repair some of it. It may not be as good as some would like, but it is better than nothing.

Martin was staying with his dad because he was kicked out of his school for stealing. He was walking thru yards (trespassing) with a hoodie on. Zimmerman was following him (legal). Martin hid in the bushes and then attacked him when Zimmerman walked by. Martin was not a poor innocent boy shot by a dickhead. He was a

The FBI was obligated to announce that they were reopening the case. They should not alter investigations because it is not politically expedient for a candidate. Hillary should have confessed on making a big mistake by using the server because she was concerned about security. It would have blown over months before

Why is Bill Nye considered a valid spokesperson? He has a degree in Mechanical Engineering and hosted a kids science show for 5 years.

Not one mention of how many trees the NYT kills every day to print their articles. They have all the means to go digital only.

Science is not about consensus. It is about PROVING through experiment and REPRODUCING the result. This has not been done. It is almost impossible to due a true experiment with the scale of global warming. Also, where are we going to get the control world?

“more convenient and more secure” -> Unless you are trying to put it on a domain network.

No, they are using real violence to try to stop different ideas from being shared. Milo was a bomb thrower, but he still had the right to speak. Coulter has had 12 books on the NY best seller, and definitely should have the right to speak. She should sue the school for all they have. Liberals used to be famous for

I do not know if he tried this or not, but instead of bricking the device he should have just replaced the default password with the MAC address of the device. The MAC is easily accessible through a label on the back of the gear. This would have kept any botnet out of the device and kept the device operational.

So, the Russians did not hack Hillary and the DNC servers and rig the election? Or did they?

just because you are paranoid, does not mean that they are not after you....

i can see my house from here.

I have never understood why Zuckerberg gets all these accolades. He created a social network that is just Myspace with the idea that only friends can see you.

Hmmm.. Here’s a strange idea. Maybe these companies donate $$$$ to EVERY president. Why not grease the palms of the president to get a little quid pro quo.... BTW here is some of Obama’s numbers. Non-story, move along.

News alert! Someone on the internet had a typo! Move escalating nuclear war with NK to page 2!

Do you realize it will not be the Republicans getting what they wanted, but everyone is in the same boat?

If you look at a map, the equator does not touch as much land mass as the cooler regions. If, IF, global warming happens, there may be a more burdened area of land area at the equator, but it will be offset by more land mass warming up that is currently in cooler climates not conducive to farming.