
There is more than just cladding that paid a part in this. The housing association that ran the building on behalf of the council have been under investing in the building for years. The tenants have been complaining about dangerous wiring and poor fire alarm systems for years. If I was a tenant of one of the

This is the result of the normalization of violence against your political opponents that the #resistence crowd has been nurturing for months, assisted by the media and celebrities (Kathy Griffin included). Eventually punching “nazis” in the face as a form of protest just doesn’t do it for someone anymore. This is the

I’m not glad it happened, but hopefully this stems the left’s growing fascination with political violence (punch nazis guys!). This is where you end up.

Anybody else miss the gizmodo that use to talk about gadgets? They were so good at it too. Edgy and undercover. I miss those days. Now it’s a Univision play thing.

will you then enjoy President Pence swiftly and competently carrying out the agenda Trump couldn’t?

Sensitive Compartmented Information is not “above” or “beyond” top secret. You can have secret SCI or even confidential SCI. This widely known yet perpetually misreported fact is too easy not to correct. Please stop being lazy.

lol I love how you libtards are all about science when it comes to the “saving the planet” but human biology noooo it’s more complicated than science! What!? Also should we start pretending along with schizophrenics when thy see people coming out of the walls? Just because transpeople see vaginas where there penis

Look. I’ll call you whatever you want to be called, but you telling another person they have some obligation to help Chelsea feel better about their identity is stupefying. I don’t remember being signed up to call you whatever you wish. Hell, I could call you a string of cuss words and there isn’t a thing you’d be

He still has XY chromosomes. Just because he THINKS he is a she doesn’t make it so.

“He’s not entirely wrong, but talk about passing the buck.”


Not all sentient beings have to be “people.”

Whenever I’m in conversation with people about state of the MTA, I always tell them the story of how my uncle was making about $90k a year working a ticket booth in Long Island Railroad stations by the time he “retired for medical reasons” (his ailment would be described accurately as chronic Irish flu).

He qualifies it by saying to hunt down radicalized Muslims (once identified), not every Muslim. Its one thing to post a stupid Facebook post (which it is), its another to post a stupid news article based on a willful misreading. Isn’t this what we were excoriating the alt-right for during the election?

Mine seem to be doing pretty well...

You are including a former secretary of state (Kissinger) as a heinous war criminals and terrorists?

Harvard University, one of the most prestigious pretentious schools in the world...

Every person who left their passwords in an unsecure location should be jailed. The person responsible for leaving the data on an unsecured server should also be jailed. The company should lose their defense contracts for 10 years.

Frankly, nobody having anything to do with national security should have one shred of

We shouldn’t. I expect everyone to be adults and deal with their problems. If they need aid their government can request it and it might be granted and they can have the aid inside their country, but why should I house another country’s citizens? Go clean up your own house rather than abandoning it.

Given that the “right” side of history is currently destroying western civilization as best it can, I’ll happily be “wrong.” As an aside, being racist requires hating other people because they’re X color. I hate no one because they happened to be born a specific race. Can’t be helped and if you’re good to others then