
True, but i predict the next nuclear action in anger will be with Pakistan/India or Israel/Iran...

Can you give me a few examples? Of Republican party policy examples? Not just a few douches.

The Reykjavik Summit only happened because we were overwhelmingly more powerful economically and militarily. If the Russians felt that they were of similar power, this would have never happened. The USSR fell five years later.

“You might see science as splashy headlines and a barrage of new results—but in the background are people with emotions and ambitions, politics, and a system that promotes publishing novel findings above all. “ —- Thought you were about to write an article about man caused global warming.

Good article Rae. All the other Gizmodo writer’s should follow your example.

You can not believe it 100%. But, a B.S. from X University studying Y.... or has CCNP in networking, or reviewed technology for 6 years is better than a picture of an alligator.

Kind of like Obama and Rice saying that they have facilitated the removal of all chemical weapons in December? Then a few months later there is a bad chemical weapon attack against civilians?... crickets from the media.

What he meant to say was that the Nazi’s did not use chemical weapons during battle against another army or enemy population. Everything he says is going to get micro-scrutinized so he is going to mess up somewhere.

Where is that misplaced . that is screwing everything up?!

So this is what Garth is doing after Wayne’s World?

The Nazi’s were communists that used Nationalism as a device instead of the worker class. Here is a link to the 25 point program of the National Socialist Program . Nazi means National Socialist German Worker’s Party. Here are some of their tenets that are

I would like to get as much info as I can from the reporter’s bio. So, if i am reading a scientific/technical/political article, I should just accept their ignorant opinion as canon? If i read two different articles about a technical articles that have differing conclusions, should I believe the CCIE or the dude who

I would stick to the powerline. Or if you are not satisfied with it, try MOCA. It uses your existing coax wiring and can do up to 2.5 Gbps.

How about doing some real throughput tests. Do not try to stream the same move to 3 different tvs. Was the latency from the router, or from your HD/appliance servicing it. When you access one file the computer will lock it out. How about posting the specs that it has on the package? Better yet, why don’t you install

United should have just kept upping the ante on the volunteers. Instead, they have lost $800 million in stock and a PR nightmare. For $1000 cash and a free car rental, half of the passengers would have jumped for the opportunity.

This is why i do not believe in the IPCC.

I agree with you on the United Airline part, but those agents are undercover drug agents. You must be ignorant of that fact. That is the only reason they are hiding their identities. Nothing to see hear.

Can we stop recycling this same article every month?

No, Obama committed us to Syria. We have troops on the ground. The right did not want to go fight in Syria, it was the Obama administration. What did Syria do for Obama to give material and troop support to Anti-Assad forces? Now we are obligated.

So gassing little children without punishment is cool?