
Continuous recording and then archiving that will be wasteful and expensive. They should employ a system to record when it hears a raised voice/scream/commands. And another trigger when the hand is put on the grip of the gun.

The ISPs do not see or do anything with your browser. They see ip source/destination, port numbers, URLs , etc.

And that law excluded Facebook, Twitter, Google, Apple, etc, who really make money selling your metadata.

Then you have to worry about an unscrupulous VPN provider selling your internet habits.

So, Farkas admits that they were all getting as much intel and disseminating to the Hill, Rice was illegally unmasking U.S. citizens, and Lynch/Obama do E.O. 12333 giving all 17 intelligence agencies unfettered access to unmasked, raw signal intelligence ... and it went active 18 days before Trump came into

Should be Gizmodx?

That is offensive to Spanish speakers. It is widely known that they have gendered words in their language. You should not jam your Anglo tinted views on other peoples languages.

How is ISPs tracking metadata from it’s user any different than Gizmodo using analytics software to track metadata from their visitors?

No he is similar to JFK.. JFK lived a life a luxury due to a powerful/wealthy dad. He fucked up and got people killed by letting his PT boat get rammed by a destroyer. JFK did march into politics by his dad’s influence and clout.

That species of whale is not endangered. Also, Norway and Iceland actively whale also.

I rolled a can on the floor after reading this. And i will continue to roll cans on the floor until this shit stops!

We have already killed 2 American citizens by drone strikes. 1.) Anwar Al-Awlaki and Abdulrahman al-Awlaki. They were 2 bad people, but the U.S. government is not supposed to execute citizens without a trial. Sadly, there was no outrage or much discussion about it in the media.

In the 1950's premature babies were put into incubators with high levels of O2 to help them develop. It was later found that doing this causes retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and blinds the children. This is a case where scientists have a good idea, but do not know all the facts, and fuck things up. They were able to

This sixth sense allowed the T Rex to ‘see’ dead dinosaurs.

Saying that IBM is bad because they sold gear to Germany before WW2 is analogous to saying ‘No Republican has ever owned a slave, but many Democrats have. Democrats are racist!” or “ Joseph Kennedy was a Nazi sympathizer and FDR loved Uncle Joe Stalin, so all Democrats are either Nazi’s or Commies!”

Hmm... Zombie apocalypse is believable, but slow rot is not... JK.. i have thought about that too... maybe the disease/zombiism slows down the rotting process after a period?. I have thought the same myself, but we should suspend our disbelief and go with the flow.

Yes.. and they put their names together like Bennifer (ben affleck and j lo).. I cant remember if it was Darol or

The issue with season 2 is AMC wanted to cut costs and their brand new popular show. So, they were forced to do less zombies and locations and focus on character building. That is why season 2 was slow.

Democratic Party- No sense of humor since 1828

I still believe that black holes are alien planets with really good cloaking devices.