
You are right. Microwaves are 300 MHz to 300 GHz. Which includes all wifi signals and other wireless devices. It has been shown that these radio signals can be used as highly accurate RADAR. Actually RADAR from P -> W bands are microwaves.

He can’t pay for them to build out. He just needs to wait...... So AT&T makes $60 dollars from a more affluent customer and makes $60 from a lower income family. A more affluent family will more than likely sign up for the service, stay current on paying the bills, and not share their bandwidth with their neighbors

The original was great graphics, shitty story. I will not bother to watch any sequels.

That Xfinity blanket is that they are using your modem as a wifi hot spot for other xfinity customers. The traffic is segregated, but in actuality, it is taking BW away from the homeowner.

Also to back up nickleberry, I have a client in a 2 million dollar home with an elevator. He can only get the lowest tier from AT&T. He is not too rural, he is in a neighborhood of a decent size. He is just located too far out. There are houses in the neighborhood that can get Uverse and some that can not.

The problem is Executive Order 12333. It was signed on Jan 3rd 2017. Right before Trump came into office. It allows the sharing of unfiltered, unverified Signals Intelligence within the whole Intelligence Community. So to investigate leaks, one has to investigate 17 intelligence agencies, instead of one.

Spectrum is not a company. It is a branded service by Charter. It is like calling your internet provider Xfinity instead of Comcast. And, the internet IS businesses. It is ISPs , backbone providers, web hosts, DNS providers, content providers, etc.

Yes. And when there was a denied FISA against Trump because they were trying to be too invasive, and then an approved FISA for him... He is probably right on the wire tapping...Just the way he vents about it makes him look dumb... Also, it is interesting that after 8 years in office, Obama felt that it was necessary

What was the illegal contact with Jeff Sessions? He was doing his job. He bowed out to avoid the shit storm. He is a politician you know.

If we follow precedence, nothing will happen to him. In 1991 it came to light that Ted Kennedy sent an emissary to Russia to talk to the KGB so he could trade information with the Russians to sway an upcoming election. Nothing came of it, he kept on getting re-elected. Source ->

Highways/Interstates pay for themselves. It is called the gas tax,wheel tax, and improved commerce.

Almost all of Europe’s cities are organic. They are built on medieval street widths. That is why in Europe, they drive tiny cars. Yes they got bombed and rebuilt, but they rebuilt what was there. I do not know of many cities that have been planned ( wide streets in grid pattern). They do rely on rail because Europe

Because of that thing that happened in Sweden?

Fly over country is currently piloting the nation. Also, if you google science scandals you will find many instances where science has failed. You will find that there are scientists out there who are not so pure. They tend to be rare, but they are fallible people too. All in all, science does progress , as well as

We will never move past crude oil. It is needed to make plastics, medicines, lubricants, paints, etc.

We will never move past crude oil. It is needed to make plastics, medicines, lubricants, paints, etc.

Everybody here is on a computer/phone that uses electricity probably made by coal, on a computer/phone that was made in China, then shipped over to the U.S., then we purchase a new phone/computer so we can get the newest trendy iphone7/Galaxy7. Everyone STFU.

Amtrak (rail on the east coast) is not financially viable. It has been hemorrhaging money for years. It is only afloat now due to the government. Rail is not going to work in the U.S. like it does in Europe/Asia.