
·From CNN - Van Jones is an Obama sycophant who literally cried when Trump won... now he says the following. Give Trump some time.. he may be ‘bearable’.

Or maybe the hack was done by Imran Awan and his two brothers while they were employed by the DNC chair at the time Debbie Wasserman Schultz. He was also contracted out to 10 other dems. They are currently under criminal investigation for equipment and data theft. Is it more likely that a foreign spy service hacked

Unpopular enough to sweep the primary. UFTFY.

So, the ISPs are spending billions of dollars on PCAPing all of their traffic? 1. They would need to divert Pbps of data onto an appliance/s that could capture the traffic. 2. Most of the traffic is now on SSL , so they could only get destination domains. 3. They would NOT be able to get the actual encrypted payloads

That is not how the technology works.

He was right on about predicting the issues in Sweden.

I find it hard to believe that ISPs track all of your web traffic data. Google is SSL, etc. They can see what domain that you are destined to, but not the payload. They could use your DNS resolutions, but if you are computer literate, you can change them to google or opendns.



Ya, fuck those boomer assholes. Under their reign we became the only world superpower ... we need like 6 super powers in the world.

The *Flint water scandal was not from environmental pollutants, but the lack of them applying corrosion inhibitors.

He understands how to run a political campaign against the DNC strongest candidate, and win.

A memory leak is when a program does not release the memory that it was using. The unreleased memory then makes the system slow/unstable, because it has no available memory. It has nothing to do with losing data.

I have not heard that. That could be a cover story, but if that is true, you would think she would have accidentally dosed herself. But stranger things have happened.

They were state sponsored spies with procedural training.

“Still, it is thought that Iraq used VX while fighting Iran in the 1980s.” ...So Iraq did have WMD after all? 

Your Plex server is LAN based (from what i understand). Unless you are going to the cloud, you will see no difference.

Mr. IAMBETTERTHANYOU, Tear down those walls!

Mel Gibson calls a female cop ‘sugar tits’, while drunk=Black listed for a decade.... Alec Baldwin calls a black journalist a coon , while sober = Celebrated by everyone.