
No, Bargas the dog is the worst in getting in your way.

Blacks make up 17% of the population. Movies are made to make money. Producers have found that when they cast a start that one can relate to, the movie is more popular. So it would be normal for blacks to star in less movies. Women seemed to get screwed more than blacks. They are over 50% of the population, but female

No, not all of them... Some went R and some stayed D. Also, many people have migrated to the south since the 1960's. You can not say that there was a ‘big switch’ where ALL went one way or the other.

The real reason VHS took off vs Beta.... the porn industry preferred the VHS format.

Maybe, the Obama administration could have leaned on them in 2014 when the U.S. found out that they were doing this?

Oh he was great during the Iraq war against W, but this time he did stuff against Hillary!

Thanks... Looked into it. They are against the provisions in it of 1. Southern states are under more intense scrutiny 2. The outdated formula to determine if voter suppression was used. Eric Holder abused these provisions against AZ and illegal aliens voting.

—- it is only natural that the majority of blacks would support the Democratic party as that party stood up for their rights in the civil rights era.—- 

No, not all. And there is no way to quantify this. I have some relatives who are deeply prejudiced, borderline racist ( throws the N word around all the time, dont like most blacks) AND they are Democrat.

Because it is shared every where!!!! you should find this article at here too .. This is their Univision flavor.. because this family of websites is owned by the mexicans now.

He was actually kind of mentally incapacitated and could not think clearly for a while, but then he left the Democrat party.

The election did not get hacked. It was Hillary’s illegal mail server and Podesta’s gmail account. And then whoever leaked the info to WIkileaks, tried to influence the elections. Could the Russians have done it? Yes. Were the Russians the only ones in Hillary’s server? No.

Gizmodo is owned by Univision. It is a Mexican company. I am sure they are getting told to smear Trump as much as possible.

Since Lincoln did... i get it.

As if we have not found any typos or incorrect information from the writers at Gizmodo....

Most of that is because he COMPROMISED and WORKED WITH Tip O’Neil (the dems) at the time. You do not see both parties working with each other now. You have each party micro-analyzing every move and then they celebrate for any small infraction they make. This is why we are all headed for doom.

I have not heard of any Republicans calling for the repeal the Voting Rights Act. If you look at the actual vote, 62 dems voted no and 23 republicans voted no.

Yes, the Republicans were progressive until they decided that they pretty much fixed things in the country. Now, the progressive movement thinks SCOTUS should look at who can go to which bathroom.