
She was using a private email server to conduct official business. Tweets are not official business, but marketing/propaganda.

No. Not all defected. Robert Byrd, for example stayed. Most southern states had dem governors until the early 80's. The Republican party is race neutral. They believe that they can win everyone over by pushing less intrusive government, lower taxes, and a stronger economy. While the Democrat party has created a

So, How many minutes was he detained? It does not say. In the article it says that he is traveling to many different countries. That is probably why he got flagged. He works for NASA, he could be selling secrets. He could be meeting the Chinese/Russians/etc. in a neutral country. It would be common sense.

Punishing any person/party who works/talks/doesn’t shun the president, is a clear path to ruination for the democratic party. The middle-of-the-road will always vote for a bad tanned, ‘pussy grabber’, and outsider over a party that calls people deplorable, Nazis, racists,homophobes, and islamophobes. Then riot at

The DNC is separate from the government. And the government was not responsible for the security of the DNC. Also, the FBI warned them about potential hacking.

It is not capitalism. It is called city franchises. It is basically a monopoly given to a company by your local government. And as long as CS calls are answered in X amount of time, they are golden. There are a few markets where they have a few different choices. D.C. is one of them.

1. Republicans passed the 13 Amendment, which ended slavery.

2. Republicans passed the 14th Amendment, which made black people citizens.

3. Republicans passed the 15th Amendment, which gave black people the right to vote.

4. Republicans started Howard University for blacks. (White Republican Oliver Howard started Howard

Which voting laws?

Cracker, honky, peckerwood, whitey, hillbilly, casper, Im sure there are more.

Look at the distribution between red counties/states and blue. There is a pattern between cities and suburbs/rural. If what your links try to say is true, there should be a more homogeneous distribution. The mobility of people and mingling of dna between them would show a majority of purple everywhere. True, in the

Correlations that are not causations. Interesting read. Please explain it to me. Also, you claim that liberals have fact and science? Science shows us that we have to sex determination systems. XX and XY. The Liberals are telling us that there are 63, 31, and 58. Using science. Please explain.

Crony capitalism is still a form of capitalism right?

I do not understand your argument saying that an agrarian society can not be a capitalist society.

What is your occupation?

The Oil wells are still in CA... here are some in LA.

Rational? Please google conservative riots, crying, screaming, safe space... look at the results. Now google ‘ Liberal riots, crying, screaming, safe space ‘ .. Now , report back to me what you find... There have been 8 years of Obama , which conservatives hated, so you should find plenty of material.

Here is what he is talking about.

Voting machines are off the grid. None were hacked. State records is another thing.

I understand... but just saying.. .the pic that you used was pretty funny. He jumped out of an airplane on his 90th bday.. got deathly sick, but said damnit, i am going to the superbowl!... Even if you don’t like his policies, he is a good fellow.

1. It is not a Muslim ban. It is a ban on 7 countries that happen to be predominantly Muslim.