
Poetry books with a cavity carved out of them? Or thrown at a TSA agent? It sounds like you may not know how to file a FOIA. Let’s waste some busy peoples time by requesting vague requests. You should have requested ‘Anything that may make Donald J Trump look bad’.

I live in the south and i personally know some ‘racist’ democrats. They still throw around the N word. Also, if you combine the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1964, you have Yay -> 182 dems 179 Reps. and Nay dems 109 Reps 35 .. So who helped out minorities more? Who freed the slaves? Who made MLKJR day a national

Yes, she should have used one of the other 28 terrorist attacks. She is also famous for ‘ lets pass the ACA so we can see what is in it’ The ACA touches 1/8 of the U.S economy.

He should have apologized. Also, on the Duke stripper incident, Al Sharpton should have apologized. This not only ruined the lives of the coach and players and dissolved the team, they were guilty until proven innocent. Also, BLM should give an apology to George Zimmerman who was found innocent in a court of law, but

The super bowl was not in January. The doctor said stay indoors during January. That picture was taken in February, in Texas, and indoors.

Hmm... a mexican owned website that continuously puts out hit pieces on Donald Trump.... who is driving the content here?

I am saying there was not a sudden flip in the mid sixties. I am saying the black vote left the Republicans starting with FDR and the white Democrats shifted later in the 70's.. The elephant in the room is, if the democrat party has been so good for their black constituents and LBJ declared a war on poverty 50 years

Again , here you go saying a portion of a group equals the entirety. Yes that is the pope shaking hands with Hitler. The pope does not represent all Christians. Also, the vatican is located inside Italy which is another fascist state.

You have a flaw in your logic. It was not because of German Christians that your Jewish mother’s family was scared of. It was German Nazis. Most Nazis were christian, but not most christians were Nazis. It was actually non-german christians who saved your mother (and you). So when we say 7 countries are banned and it

This article is about moving away from crude oil to green energy. I am just reminding that crude oil does not need to be divested because it is used for so much more than gasoline.

It did not pretty much work that way. There is a myth that during the 1960's that all the blacks switched from the republican side and all the racist white democrats jumped over to the Republican side. They believe that there was a magical Red Rover game that happened, they will call it the Nixon Southern strategy.

Can you explain this ‘flipped allegiances’? It sounds like you are saying that all the Democrats changed to Republicans and all the Republicans switched to Democrat.

FDR put in a heavily restricted immigration in place in 1924. It legally permitted 153,774 people outside of the western hemisphere. More than 50% of those were from Great Britain and Ireland. There was no refuge policy. If what you say is true, you mother’s family were really lucky.

Not all Republicans are racist. Remember the Democrats are the party of Andrew Jackson (trail of tears), slavery, Jim Crow laws, japanese internment camps, and segregation. The Republican party was specifically founded for abolition.

It is more than energy. We need crude oil for plastics, medicines, lubricants,etc. the list goes on.

Kind of like the 500 Million dollars we invested into Solyndra, and then it went bankrupt. How the fuck do you claim bankruptcy right after you get half a BILLION dollars from the government?