
The electoral college is not a group of people who choose who wins the election. We are a Republic, not a full democracy. The electoral college was put in place to give smaller states and or rural areas more of a say. It was to keep large cities like New York from dominating politically. It has worked great and there

Yes... here is a picture of one of their modern factories.

You are naive. China is driven by industrial giants like Ma who works the system by bribing and working with government officials who just want the money.

He did not mention Iran specifically. Right now Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia, and Sudan do not have effective governments. That is 6 out of 7.

If you are telling the truth. Please ask them why they left Iran. I worked with an Iranian girl and she fled the country because she was non-muslim and she had been imprisoned for it. She has family members who have disappeared. I have also worked with Kurds who had family members who lived in Halabja. Saddam gassed

We are at a proxy war with Syria and Iraq is where ISIS lives. ISIS has had control of cities that issue valid passports, both in Iraq and Syria.

It is not a Muslim Ban. Which is what the media is reporting and it is false. It is a ban for 7 countries that are predominately muslim, but 42 other muslim countries are unaffected.

Hmmm.. all these companies are probably trying to save their H1 Visa programs. They are recruiting foreign IT workers so they can pay half as much than an American would work for.

The Media is framing an argument of a Muslim Ban. However the fact is only 7 countries out of 49ish predominately Muslim countries. And one of the countries banned we are in a proxy war with. So it is indisputable that there is not a true Muslim Ban on immigration.

Ummm.. During the Reagan administration it was less than 3 months old. How can Reagan have weakened the administration when it’s purview was just being established? 

They can do this if federal courts. It would be the same thing as the dispute over river rights between TN and GA.

I agree with you. Also, the Department of Education is another example where each state has it’s own department, then there is another layer at the federal level. It was put in place in 1979.

I think you are confused.

Yes, Conway had a slip of the tongue where she said that Bowling Green Massacre. She should have said ‘ The two Iraqi citizens arrested for aiding al Qaeda’ These guys were stopped from carrying out any terrorist acts. Or maybe she should have mentioned any of the other massacres.

It is unfortunate. Also, they are from a country that we are in a proxy war with. Their family members are not citizens yet. yet...Do you expect that since they voted for Trump that they should be exempt?

It is unfortunate. Also, they are from a country that we are in a proxy war with. Their family members are not citizens yet. yet...Do you expect that since they voted for Trump that they should be exempt?

....And when Obama was President.... We abruptly pulled out of Iraq and gave half of Iraq to ISIS. We gave them a country to set up a caliphate and oil fields to bankroll the new nation. But briefly before that he call ISIS a junior varsity team. now they have influence in many countries. ...He also gave Iran a ton of

But then it would be like 190 years old. It would live for about 2 years , then Trump will be able to appoint a new one. If it dies in the fourth year of his Presidency, he could break the 80+ year tradition of not appointing a successor like Obama did. First the dems gave the GOP the nuclear option, now Obama gave

I totally agree with you. The Media is framing an argument of a Muslim Ban. However the fact is only 7 countries out of 49ish predominately Muslim countries. And one of the countries banned we are in a proxy war with. So it is indisputable that there is not a true Muslim Ban on immigration.