
No. The baker is being forced to participate in a religious event that they conscientiously disagree with. Let’s say that you are a black owner of a catering service. A man comes in and sets up an event. The black owner finds out that the KKK is hosting the event. The black owner must now be forced to participate in

Non-story. Michael had to make quota.

14% of muslim countries are banned at the moment. 6 muslim countries that could be dangerous and 1 that we are in a proxy war with (thanks obama). That is not a Muslim ban.

I was not talking about religion. Innocent= have not committed any crimes... while the guys on death row committed crimes.

Union side = Republicans... Confederates = Democrats. That is high school history.

It is NOT a MUSLIM ban. It is 7 dangerous countries that are banned and 42 Muslim countries that are not affected.

You can shut down/kill any IP device with a DDOS attack. Or just a DOS attack.

I know that you were just joking but Layer 1 will never confuse Layer 7. And you will never find drivers for those old

No, there was NO cybersecurity on Hillary’s mail server.

Xenophobe... hmm, has had 3 foreign wives and counting... His daughter is Jewish... a homosexual spoke at a RNC rally of his... He has black people in his cabinet, and on his first press briefing Spicer called on 3rd Univision and 5th American Urban Radio Networks, before any major news networks.

It is NOT a MUSLIM BAN. It is 7 countries banned and 42 muslim countries are ok to come in.

Now playing

I think the dolphin probably swam into the shirt. Dolphins are known to play by swimming through air rings all the time.

Maybe he should have said ‘innocent’ life?

Wow, great opening for genocide with that reasoning.

First of all, Charter Spectrum was a rebrand in 2009 as Charter’s services, similar to Comcast calling their stuff Xfinity. No residential (and most business) are given a ‘guaranteed’ speed. If you are on a cable modem (DOCSIS) you are on ‘shared’ bandwidth. If you have a congested node you are screwed and will hardly

Stop your trolling ‘astounishing’ lulz.

No, the biggest obstacle to overcome is the sensationalizing/exaggerating the claims/predictions and they do not come into fruition. In an Inconvenient Truth, Gore claimed that major hurricanes would be more often and more powerful. Fast forward 10 years and we have had the longest ‘Hurricane Drought’.

‘Mexican water’? You are sounding racist.

Why doesn’t he let any of the other actors speak? What a douche to bogart all the time for himself.

Ridley Scott does not have a trademark on rain and large, multiple displays. Does he? Maybe the cop car may look too similar.