
Would rather still have it by weight. Nothing annoys me more than saying you need a medium onion or 1/3 cup onion or some other ingredient. Just give a weight so that it can be more accurate.

Not a fan of the R32 either. R33 looks like an oddball as well and like it was in transition to be the R34 but they dropped the ball. R34 looks the best out of the three.

Friend had one and could not get over the styling. It was quick but also rushed to get more out of the VK45 that was in the new Q45 and the Nissan Gloria as a car which was already old and coming to the end of its life. Outside of the costly Infiniti parts, it was hard to get any 3rd party parts since it was a rare

back in the day yeah but with drifting becoming so popular, 240's have been snatched up over the past several years. It really is hard to find one that’s in a clean state now

I do remember WW2, Korean war, and Vietnam war was covered but all in the span of maybe 3 or 4 weeks. WW2 taking up 2 weeks. It was more of what happened, very skimmed over, and few maps to show anything.

Remember wanting these when they came out. Loved the look but by the time I came around to look for one, the pre-cat issues were well know and jumped on an Altima 3.5SE instead. Got to drive my cousins a few years later when he got it. It was a fun car to drive, even if a bit cramped and down on power by today’s

Think this is the most on point comment I’ve seen. Looking at all these travel profiles does create plenty of envy. Firstly I know they’re sponsored and there’s more to their lives than just the glorified posts they share but isn’t that the majority of social media anyways?

Trading groups will buy tankers and sell while they’re in transit at times. Companies have futures purchased on gas so the oil in the tanker and switch multiple times while in transit. This can be the case of one of the deals falling through or a deal in progress where the oil is sold to someone else and the location

For a lot of people needing a family hauler but still wanting to have a reliable machine, both fall out, even the FoST depending who you ask. Had a Forester and while good, it was cramped, cheap interior, and engines prone to eat gaskets which is not cheap. That still sticks. Mustang would work but not everyone wants

It’s different for music than for movies. Most of our speaker systems now are for home theater though you can expand that out to music to get a more concert hall feel now.

How well does it stand up against the wind?

How well does it stand up against the wind?

Same model as I have and my parents. Great vacuum overall. Mine has a weird quirk that sometimes says to place the dust bin back but a quick switch off and on and it’s running. My parents replaced theirs with the newer version after their dog sent the first one flying down the stairs.

Same model as I have and my parents. Great vacuum overall. Mine has a weird quirk that sometimes says to place the

I have the Mk6 4-door R and it families just fine. Actaully came back from a road trip from Chicago to Colorado and all went well. Not sure on the Mk7 but the Mk6 is on the stiff side with the suspension and can get bouncy at times.

Yeah, I remember the days of fun and good Nissans. Now they seem to be bland and boring with little to differentiate themselves from the rest of the companies. Still better than Toyota and not much in Honda’s lineup that looks exciting, at least imo, but nothing really in its own lineup to pull me into the dealer room.

Before I started getting into computers, I never looked at specs of consoles. Instead I looked at the games that were available on them. Even now, while I do look at the specs, the games and have still driven my decision. If I was to buy something to play Mario and Zelda with, I’m not going to go looking at PS4 since

I feel like a lot has to do with age. At 16, you’re either getting a hand-me-down car from your parents or you have to get a car that’s older and cheaper than a new car ave that’s ~$34k. As you grow up and get into your career, your income increases so you can save for a car.

Saw the ad and thought it was either a really cool Canon or Nikon ad. Was surprised it had anything to do with Lincoln since it was barely in the commercial’s focus

it’s sad to see companies with a once great line-up be so bland now. We do have to remember that they came around, or at least the last gen did, at a time when their economy was high. Things have changed since then. Even those cars, as glorious as they were, had lost their way from their original design points.

Just like the Caddy concepts, they’ll be left at the concept stage for us to drool over and nothing will ever be built off of them sadly.

If anything, the front bothers me more than anything. It just looks so ridiculous, especially compared to the nicely designed Nismo Concept from 2013.