
The proportions of the Bimmers just look off and wrong. Audi hit it right by finding a mix of coupe and sedan and not trying to make it look like a wagon with a messed up trunk

So long as you throw reliability out the window.

Looking at the Hakosuka GT-R that Nissan had at the fest made me remember this gem. Shame they didn’t bring it to the market. 

Such a gorgeous car. Love Aston’s designs

Sorry to burst your bubble but that’s not the case. They do so to control your access to it and force you to upgrade by buying a whole new device, that or purchase their proprietary components to upgrade. As a Windows user, I’ve had my desktop 4 years unmodified and it was originally purchased 6 years ago (CPU, RAM,

Actually they’re noticing that wildlife is flourishing in the area that hasn’t been there in a long time. Granted it affects those from outside of the area and there are mutations inside the zone too but it’s not as bad as we thought. Additionally, a lot of the older generation that was evacuated moved back shortly

Only if they have buttons as well. I used Fords system and hated it but their lower display with a plethora of buttons was equally as bad. It needs to be a good mix of both.

This pretty much hits the nail on the head. As great as it would be bringing the jobs back, it’s not going to happen, or at least not in the same capacity. I watched the last few years of my dad working before retirement and how unsure it was of whether they’d have work the next day.

Owning a VW myself, not my first choice, or even fifth choice, when looking for such a car. They’re fun but far from what I would call a reliable car.

How is it sexist and homophobic? There’s no mention of either in that comment. Yes it’s juvenile but there’s nothing bad in it. Maybe you should work on lightening up and getting a sense of humor and not get offended by every little thing that someone says. 

Same. I get that it has a ton of usuable space but it’s ugly as sin, lined with hard plastic inside, and the dash has been an eyesore for me.

Looks like they took their leftover 04-08 TL parts and slapped them on the TLX GT.

Doesn’t seem like much of an issue as this happens on a lot of other cars. some that come to mind right now:

Should be standard and I know some cars flash their third brake under hard breaking. That being said, and I know it’s not always possible, keeping a good distance between cars is the the best way and I treat every braking situation as an emergency one.

I remember when the original Nexus came out and I purchased it. I had the G1 before it and was tired of the sluggish performance and the Nexus One was a welcome relief both in terms of design and performance at the time. It was meant to be an inexpensive line of phones that provided a clean Android interface to allow

My OnePlus One has 3GB of RAM. It’s not the only smartphone to run odd number of RAM. Apart from some requirements of older RAM modules, there’s no requirement for it needing to be an odd number.

2006 Infiniti M45

Civic is very busy, maybe too much in the back, but at least to me looks entertaining though hard to say without seeing one in person yet. the Prius just looks like it was thrown together and looks attrocious when it’s on the road.

This is a no compromise sports car.......

Nice, had the same for a friend that had a GSX. Not sure what happened to it though.