
I constantly see this and always go back to the point of they’re absolutely great, so long as you know how to use them. I charge everything I can to credit cards for multiple reasons:

One factor I constantly see skipped over is that the price of a mortgage is fixed, assuming you have the 15 or 30 year fixed rate. Insurance and taxes can go up but the mortgage doesn’t yet every article acts as if rent is consistent.

It all depends on the oil. regular oil, I’d go every 5,000 but I’ve ran tests with Blackstone on past cars and 10,000-15,000 per oil change on higher-end synthetics was not an issue (Royal Purple. AMSoil, Castrol Edge Synthetic).

Reliability. They may not be as exciting but when most are buying a family car, price, reliability, and brand recognition speak volumes compared to excitement. This may be a great looking car but some thoughts are “How long will the engine/transmission last?” “Will the brand be around in 5/10/15 years?” “What’s the

They were always cheesy but in a fun way. I rewatched TMNT 1 & 2 recently and still enjoyed them even with all the stupid jokes. I tried to watch the new TMNT on an airplane and had to turn it off within 15 minutes. It’s just painfully bad.

Yes but even if bought used, it’s much cheaper than a new luxury truck. Unless you’re buying a luxury sedan, most sports cars aren’t family friendly and people buy them knowing what they’re getting into. Not always but from what I’ve seen. Trucks can be used for family hauling so it puts them in a different category.

I agree with you on drive what you like but the issue becomes bigger once gas prices start to increase. They can afford those trucks and payments now but what happens when gas goes to $3? $4? It starts to bite into their budget and they can default on the loan, stop taking care of the truck, or stop spending

I’ve been with Tmo since it was VoiceStream still and haven’t switched. I’ve used Verizon and AT&T during different workstints and while I get that Verizon has the best coverage, what’s the point of having it if I only need it 2% of the time?

As someone with tattoos though easily coverable, I still hesitate to take someone serious should they have a neck, face, head, or hand tattoos outside of the art industry. It’s not to say that the person isn’t reliable but in a lot of corporate environments, you still have a conservative approach from more senior

Nope, was too young to be into cars back then. My knowledge of cars was that it either existed on a poster or was a red BMW.

GTI, Focus ST, Fiesta ST, Mazda3, Mini Cooper, Scion iM (albeit not the sportiest car), Veloster (a bit cramped but has a third door for rear seats), Forte5 (Haven’t driven but heard good things and have plenty of people in the family with either Hyundai or Kia and they really like them) are all good candidates for a

Wouldn’t call an 18 yo a kid. As far as growing up on carbs, it’s more of the body being accustomed to a certain diet your entire life. Switch from eating home cooked meals to going out all the time and see what happens (I’ve seen anything from people gaining weight, feeling lathargec, and just general appearance

Doesn’t work for everyone. Growing up Polish, I had a high-carb diet (sandwiches in the morning, for lunch as well when I was a kid and went to 3-4 burgers in high school, and potatoes with most dinners, and this didn’t include rice or pasta dishes) and fluctuated between 150-165 until I was 23 where I slowly went up

could be the angle but it looks dwarfed compared to that Challenger

Almost had one as a first car. Looking back on it, very glad I didn’t but still wish I could have at least owned it for a short period.

I remember that scaring that crap out of me as a kid. always wished those cars could crawl away =/

It may not be the best looking car but for a hybrid, I like it. very nice looking and the interior is worlds ahead of the hideousness that Toyota put into the Prius.

The “Bridge” just seemed to be too predictable when it happened. I had a feeling of what was going to happen when it started. The “grabbing a lightsaber” scene was much better as everyone mentioned. Still kind of predictable but done in a great way.

As someone from the midwest, keep your oversized house. Even reading why you have a large house describes why you don’t understand the concept of these tiny apartments. While they’re even small to me, you get them to be in an area where you want to visit and not just live in a house where you need multiple rooms to

It’s still not accepted. The X6, X4, and others are hideous and still make no sense apart from just pulling money out of peoples wallets