
Seeing as he takes a lot of his inspiration from past wars in Europe, particularly England, I wouldn’t be surprised if such cruel executions occurred. Still a very fucked up way to die.

And yet there are several VG30DETT with 600hp out there. Worded it wrong but meant it’s generally easier to mod and pull power from a FI set up than it is with an NA setup.

somewhat but now we get a car the we can actually afford rather than be second or third owners and there should be far more modding potential to this than the VQ37 without hopefully going overboard price wise

I had to turn the first one off, 15 minutes into watching it on a plane. it was just over the top stupid and I went in with very very very low expectations. maybe I should lower them even further for this one and wait for it to come out on bluray

Don’t ever buy a DD where you owe more than it’s worth, especially a used one. Take a look at used models. If you know what you want, you can set alerts and see what’s out there, the price they’re going for, and get deals depending how far you’re willing to drive. Both of my last cars I bought were well below the

Think the main difference, and I haven’t seen it mentioned, is that a mortgage payment will be consistent. Sure taxes may go up but rent has a tendency to raise every year depending on location. Small towns may not see a large rise in rent year to year compared to a big city but it’s something to keep in mind. Also,

I see Laphroigh for $50 around Chicago. See it in the mid 30’s in Indiana and was able to snatch two bottles for $25 each once.

Exactly, Sobieski may be cheap in price but it is good quality. had plenty at my cousin’s wedding in Poland and no hangover the next day and we don’t exactly take it easy during such celebrations.

I actually just saw one in Frankfurt this past weekend and all I thought was wth was this guy smoking when he decided this looked good. I didn’t even know it was a special edition car

wth is going on here? it looks great otherwise

Verano shares the base with lower class cars so the cost is split in the manufacturing of it. The CLA shares it with the GLA, A-class, and B-class so not as much to spread out that intial investment cost. It may use elements from other cars but they still have to save money somewhere to bring the price down while to

It’s a MB that starts at $30k. Of course they’re going to cut corners and it’ll feel cheaper than other cars at that price range.

Came here looking for this. Not disappointed

It just keeps getting progressively uglier. Not that the Prius was ever a stylish car but at least you could look at it without throwing up by the way it was “styled”.

Driving is soul sucking? You’re either driving in the city or have a cheap car that’s the equivalent to a toaster. As someone who drives and takes public transportation, I disagree because even if you’re stuck in traffic be it in a car or on a bus, 1) you get to be in your own space and have your own level of comfort

Puddle lights are fine and I welcome them. Now having a puddle light shine the emblem on the ground, that’s a different story

That sucks. You would think they would at least try to help the guy out. I remember ordering a new PC, TV, and speakers back in the day and coming home to having all the equipment sitting in front of the door for anyone to just take. I got very lucky no one decided to take anything.

It just looks so off to me. reminds me of this but with wings:

Ugly plane but such a cool shot