
3rd Gear: More Hellcat

size is just one aspect. driver type, components, measurements, and the design have a ton to do with audio quality. similar with engines, you can have two cars with 2.0L 4 cylinders but both can be greatly different in terms of power output, gas mileage, torque curve, etc.

This is all dependent on room set up, source audio quality, and personal preference. Smaller speakers are more convenient, there’s no arguing that, but they do no produce the same quality sound as larger speakers. with speakers there is no replacement for displacement.

Different class of speakers entirely. Nothing wrong with having that system, my dad has it in fact, but you have far smoother transition between sound with these kinds of speakers. Add in a sub if you’re lacking on low-end bass

Looks like that was taken from the 20-something floor. I live on the 19th floor and one flew right past my windows as well and dropped even lower on the pass. it may not be right above the ground but they do get low, even more so over water where it’s clear. They did some great flying this year.

BMI is completely outdated and doesn’t factor in muscle vs fat amount and since muscle weighs more than fat, you can have someone that falls into the overweight category but still be healthy. If you’re healthy and are happy with yourself then don’t worry about this and continue how you are. It’s best to use the BMI

so long as you have gas, it’s a fantastic thing to do. I love being “lost” when driving or riding.

Not sure if it’s the styling itself or the fact that the R35 had such a drastic update in styling but these still look great as they age. Few cars can do so and Nissan really nailed it with this car. Hoping to pick one up once this becomes legal in the US

Exactly what I do. Not worth it for me to have the app installed since I barely use messenger in the first place. Also great to be able to block tracking through privacy guard for their regular app

I really like Klipsch for what they are. Great sounding speakers that fill the room and need less power to run than traditional speakers. Granted they’re being replaced but the Klipsch RB-61 II get my vote. You can get them onsale now and they strike the perfect balance of size and power. Plus they look great with the

Depends on my vacation but really only a few things. It’s always nice to just get away and not connect back to social media minus a few photo uploads here and there that I can look back on.

Was actually at the Field Museum two days ago. It’s still amazing to see the skeleton after all this time.

I have no sympathy for this guy at all. If the vet recommends that you put the animal down, it’s best to listen to them. It sucks and I know it hurts but it’s best for the animal.

Very nice mood lighting

This is BS. I understand driving but if I’m at a traffic light, I don’t see a problem with checking my phone. It may not be a text, maybe I’m changing music or checking on directions on my phone.

Have one of these for the living room. It’s absolutely fantastic

had an ex who didn’t like Pacific Rim at first, only because she saw a part of it. Once she watched it all the way through and enjoyed it for what it is, giant monsters vs robots and lots of action, she loved it

It’s def worth a watch but very slow compared to what you see today. There are very cool aspects of it as all the space shots were done before we had any real photos so it was guesses as to how everything would look. Def a good movie with good visualisations but, at least in my opinion, extremely overhyped

I love Zapiekanki. They’re similar to flatbreads but still different since they’re on regular bread. The spicy Polish ketchup just makes them all the better

I feel like they should look more like swans. ducks are annoying but swans are assholes, more fitting of the T-Rex