
thank you. now I know what I’ll be making this weekend :D

saved, I want to try this out of curiousity now

Tremors 2 is great imo. No as good as the original but it played more on the humor side than the first one. Only wanted Tremors 3 once and haven’t seen 4 yet. Guess I better set some time aside to watch all four before this comes out.

Kind of a worthless study if they only studied BMI. Since muscle weighs more than fat, it’s hard to gauge if the father’s spent more time working out or started getting comfortable and not taking care of themselves.

Must have been a slow news day

I like the sandstone but this looks by far the nicest

First, if they are such POS dressers, why do you own two? Second, it’s stated in the instructions that it must be mounted to the wall for security. I own two as well and neither have fallen, one is even in the living room right behind my couch. You only have yourself to blame for not installing it properly.

BMI is such a poor scale to look at as it doesn’t factor in the weight difference between muscle and fat.

ATGATT, I’m fully geared up when I ride. If It’s a 5 min ride, I’ll just jump into the car rather than change. Otherwise I put on all the gear as I feel better riding and don’t want an increased risk of long term injury

“one for me, one for you, one for me, one for you...”

Agreed. Seems that everything she’s in is over the top and just annoying that I have to turn off the movie to save whatever braincells I have left after the movie starts. Just painful to watch

Taller gearing will definitely help but air resistance increases exponentially the faster you go so you do end up burning more gas. Going from 60/65 to 80mph, I see around a 5mpg drop in my mileage for a 2013 Golf R. It does have short gearing but I’ve seen this in other cars as well

2nd Gear: VW Worker Killed By Robot In Germany

T-Mobile user here since before they bought VoiceStream back in the day. Sure it’s not the best company but after using Verizon and AT&T and having friends use Sprint, I don’t see any reason to switch. Sprint’s service in Chicago is terrible and speeds are so slow when trying to download. Verizon and AT&T both charge

I tend to dream big and unrealistically but it helps drive what I can attain. Current 4th cars for me are:

One of the nicest F40’s I’ve seen. That blue just doesn’t do it for me but an F40 in black is drool worthy

“You know, Smithers, I think I’ll donate a million dollars to the local orphanage ... when pigs fly!” hahahahaha

I think it looks better in black than red

Saw one of these in the Mediterranean when we were around Sicily. Saw it from a distance and thought it was a shark so we turned the boat to check it out. I took a few pictures but had no idea what this was until we got back to land and researched it. Kind of wished we recording some video of it. Very weird looking

There’s no monthly fee for the program, all you pay is for the phone on top of your service bill. Much the same as if you were to buy a phone from them and use the payment plan.