The Prince episode is so great. And unlike some celebrity cameos it’s so fluid, because he was a fan of the show and the whole thing only happened because he felt like it. Zero thirst, great taste.
The Prince episode is so great. And unlike some celebrity cameos it’s so fluid, because he was a fan of the show and the whole thing only happened because he felt like it. Zero thirst, great taste.
My ex got me a book of Schmidt-isms. Best gift I’ve ever gotten in my LIFE.
Oh please. Assange in in league with Russia and only realeases information that can damage people he personally considers “bad”. He’s fucking disgusting in every way.
Oooh, some people at the DNC said they didn’t like Bernie, in May 2016 after the primaries were essentially over. Some crime. Assange is a fucking hypocrite doing Putin’s bidding. When Wikileaks started, he said he planned to expose the Russian government too. Crickets.
Is the a severe case of eczema? Psoriasis? He needs to go to the dermatologist. That’s not normal. He should use some of his jacuzzi acid money for some topical ointments.
Leslie Jones ghostbusting Steve Bannon would be the ultimate justice.
And Rachel Maddow reported he was asked to investigate the Trump Foundation.
It’s going to be another ten years before the Braydens of this world start to get into big boy no-nos.
Interesting, I thought this was more of a “Chad” kind of move.
Yeah, some dude humping a superficial symbol of female inclusiveness as represented by a child sure is funny. Be sure to share this moment of pure hilarity with the rest of your 7th grade classmates!
I still have a treasured photo of my husband and baby grinning in delight, both with hand-drawn marker mustaches. It took days for them to wash/fade off. On both of them.
No, nannies aren’t offensive. What is offensive is assuming that a woman is a nanny when it’s much more likely that she’s the mother of the children she’s caring for. Especially since most people assuming she’s the nanny are doing so because she’s Asian. If she was a white woman, most people would have assumed she was…
Good point. He could have been “cool dad”. My only defense for him is that he had a split second to decide and I guess he was thinking “career”.
I just like to imagine the wife in that situation. She is sitting there, proudly watching her husband drop some A+ knowledge on the motherfuckin’ BBC when the kids she should be watching fucking swagger-roll on into the room and make themselves at home. The broadcast delay would explain the time between when they…
a lot to chew on here.
I was thinking about the nanny too. The guy was a real boner about it, especially considering the BBC announcer was amused.
Yeah, that kid gets kudos too. They remind me of a little alien scout that just came off the mothership.
Kramer comes flying in the fuckin door.