
Why are you blaming the voters? The DNC has basically made it policy to run on a very fiscally conservative platform with as few socially liberal concessions as possible, and the one time a real candidate appears advocating for wealth equality, the whole fucking establishment came down on him. Voters don’t owe the

No Sanders supporter owes Clinton their vote. The onus is on her to earn those votes, and if she can’t, then she’s flawed, not the voters.

He’s not that socialist, about the same as the country of Canada. They seem to be doing fine, in fact they topped the list of countries to live in. Germany and Denmark, the other top countries are even more socialist than what Bernie is proposing.

If he does get elected, I agree I don’t think many of his ideas will pass. They are too radical. I do think he can bring to light some of the issues that other politicians have swept under the rug and start those conversations so we can make our country better moving forward.

lol, what?

True, but my biggest complaint with the other candidates besides Bernie is their campaign funding and corporate sponsorship. I cant get behind a candidate whos face is in front of me just because some big conglomerate company with a P.O. box in a tax haven country "donated" millions. What's good for a multibillion

Nah dude. I trust you removed the stick from your ass, sat down, and did your research. As wrong-headed as I find some of your comments, you at least possess knowledge on the topics you choose to speak on. This jamoke on the other hand is, “HURR DURR SOCIALIST COMMIE BAD”.

reading comprehension is key.

Not even going to bother. But lets just keep things status quo right? Big conglomerate bail outs and tax evasions are cool. Education sucks. woooooo!

Don’t even bother dude. Jalopnik has a subsection of rabid, MRA, red-state, misogynistic, retrograde morons. Don’t feed them.

did you not understand my previous post? your response tells me you didn’t.

before you stereotype Bernie as a socialist, why don’t you do an ounce of research on his policies and what being a socialist actually means.